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发布时间:2024-03-09 19:34:14

[填空题]Don’t forget to ______ the modem when you have finished using it. (connect)

更多"Don’t forget to ______ the modem wh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A: Do you think that you can have these shirts finished by Friday morning
B: ( ).
A. Sorry, we haven’t finished yet.
B. Why do you need them so early
C. I’m sorry. I couldn’t possibly get them done by then. Saturday afternoon would be the earliest that you could have them.
D. Don’t you see we’re short-handed
[单项选择] When you have finished with the book, don’t forget to return it to Tim, ______.
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’t you
D. won’t you
[单项选择]When you have finished with that video film, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, ()
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’t you
D. won’t you
[单项选择]When you have finished with that video tape, don’’t forget to put it in my drawer,_________
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’’t you
D. won’’t you
[单项选择]When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer,_________
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’t you
D. won’t you
[多项选择]Making an appointment 约会
When you don’t agree 表示不同意
[填空题]Only when you have followers can you be a leader
[填空题]When you have finished playing football, you want a shower because you feel like this. d______
[填空题]You have it when you are thirsty.

[单项选择]  It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken. After six months of arguing and final 16 hours of hot parliamentary debates, Australia’s Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably iii patients who wish to die. The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15 to 10. Almost immediately word flashed on the Internet and was picked up, half a world away, by John Hofsess, executive director of the Right to Die Society of Canada. He sent it on via the group’s on-line service, Death NET. Says Hofsess:" We posted bulletins all day long, because of course this isn’t just something that happened in Australia. It’s world history."   The full import may take a while to sink in. The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. Some have breathed sighs of relief; others, including churches, right-w-life groups and the Australian Me
A. the objection to euthanasia is slow to come in other countries
B. physicians and citizens share the same view on euthanasia
C. changing technology is chiefly responsible for the hasty passage of the law
D. it takes time to realize the significance of the law’’s passage
[单项选择]When you have completed your college education,you will look for a job suited to your training,interests,and ambitions.In most cases.you will visit a potential employer’s office and complete an application form for the position in which you are interested.The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of the application form and a personal interview.
Throughout your lifetime,however,you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve your position.As you gain experience,you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs.These better jobs often request written letters of application and summaries of your background and experience.Your writing skills may be an important part in obtaining the job you desire.
In any job-seeking situation,there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills:to complete an application form,prepare a resume,write an application letter,or write employment follow-up letters.As an
A. How to Complete a Job Application Form.
B. An Introduction to Job-seeking Situations.
C. An Attempt to Find Better Jobs.
D. Writing Skills Help Job-seeking.


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