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发布时间:2024-07-28 05:25:05

[填空题]It was reported that Sudanese President Omar A1-Bashir requested that the Sudanese prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay be ______ .

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[填空题]It was reported that Sudanese President Omar A1-Bashir requested that the Sudanese prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay be ______ .

[单项选择]Where has the Sudanese government set up a reception center
A. In Khartoum.
B. In Uganda.
C. In the border between Uganda and Sudan.
D. In Juba.
[单项选择]How many people were killed in the Sudanese War
A. About 2 million.
B. About 3 million.
C. About 7 thousand.
D. About 9 thousand.
[单项选择]What news event is reported
A. A bomb threat at a hospital.
B. A flood at a school.
C. A fire at an apartment building.
D. A severe drought famine in a village.
[单项选择]Who first reported the news
A. Caitlin
B. Dr. White
C. Earl
D. Donald
[单项选择]An American manufacturer of space heaters reported a 1994 fourth-quarter net income (total income minus total costs) of $41 million, compared with $28.3 million in the fourth quarter of 1993. This increase was realized despite a drop in U.S. domestic retail sales of space-heating units toward the end of the fourth quarter of 1994 as a result of unusually high temperatures.
Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of the increase in the manufacturer’s net income ?()
A. In the fourth quarter of 1994, the manufacturer paid its assembly-line workers no salaries in November or December because of a two-month-long strike, but the company had a sufficient stock of space-heating units on hand to supply its distributors.
B. In 1993, because of unusually cold weather in the Northeast, the federal government authorized the diversion of emergency funding for purchasing space-heating units to be used in the hardest-hit areas.
C. Foreign manufacturers of space heaters reported improved fourth-quarter sales in the American market compared with their sales in 1993.
D. During the fourth quarter of 1994, the manufacturer announced that it would introduce an extra-high-capacity space heater in the following quarter.
E. In the third quarter of 1994, a leading consumer magazine advocated space heaters as a cost-effective way to heat spaces of less than 100 square feet.
[单项选择]Passage Two
It is reported that alcohol abuse on college campuses is on the rise. But alcohol abuse is only one symptom of a larger campus crisis. There is a growth in racism, sexism, assault, attempted suicide, theft, property damage and most disappointing of all, cheating on exams.
A generation has come to college quite fragile, not very secure about who it is, fearful of its lack of identity and without confidence in its future. Many students are ashamed of themselves and afraid of relationships.
It is happening because the generation now entering college has experienced few authentic connections with adults in its lifetime. I call this the "Culture of Neglect", and we--parents, teachers, professors and administrators--are the primary architects.
It begins at home, where social and economic factors result in less family time for
A. Alcohol abuse.
B. Cheating on exams.
C. Racial discrimination.
D. Lack of financial support.
[单项选择]Altogether how many people were reported missing
A. 68
B. 90
C. 150
D. 40

Embattled Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid warned yesterday that he would move against those who ignore him, after police and lawmakers disregarded his decision to fire the national police chief.
Suroyo Bimantoro defied Wahid’ s dismissal by attending a ceremony promoting police officers in Jakarta yesterday.
He late met with senior legislators who accused Wahid of violating the constitution by firing the chief without consuiting parliament. More than 100 senior police generals signed a statement hacking Bimantoro, the state news agency reported.
Bimantoro said he would only step down if parliament asked him to, which is unlikely to happen.
Wahid’ s spokesman Yahya Staguf said that firing Bimantoro was constitutional and that the police chief had been meddling in politics.
He said Bimantoro was trying to create a rift between the President and Vice-president, so that many lawmakers wanted to replace Wahid if they oust him
A. violating the congress by embazzlement
B. violating the constitution by hiring the chief without consulting congress
C. violating the congress by firing the chief without consulting lawmakers
D. violating the constitution by firing the chief without consulting parliament


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