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发布时间:2023-09-30 11:23:30

[单项选择]Passage Two
Between the invention of agriculture and the commercial revolution that marked the end of the Middle Ages, wealth and technology developed slowly indeed. Medieval historians tell of the centuries it took for key inventions like the watermill or the heavy plow to diffuse across the landscape. During this period, increases in technology led to increases in the population, with little if any appearing as an improvement in the median standard of living.
Even the first century of the industrial revolution produced more "improvements" than "revolutions" in standards of living. With the railroad and the spinning and weaving of textiles as important exceptions, most innovations of that period were innovations in how goods were produced and transported, and in new kinds of capital, but not in consumer goods. Standards of living improved
A. believed that they were very much the same as their equals some two thousand years before.
B. probably thought that great changes had occurred since Cicero.
C. felt that qualitative changes had occurred in the last two thousand years.
D. believed in the efficacy of slavery.

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[单项选择]Passage Two
Between the invention of agriculture and the commercial revolution that marked the end of the Middle Ages, wealth and technology developed slowly indeed. Medieval historians tell of the centuries it took for key inventions like the watermill or the heavy plow to diffuse across the landscape. During this period, increases in technology led to increases in the population, with little if any appearing as an improvement in the median standard of living.
Even the first century of the industrial revolution produced more "improvements" than "revolutions" in standards of living. With the railroad and the spinning and weaving of textiles as important exceptions, most innovations of that period were innovations in how goods were produced and transported, and in new kinds of capital, but not in consumer goods. Standards of living improved
A. worthwhile, visible change occurred as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
B. scholars such as John Stuart Mills felt the Industrial Revolution was a negative force.
C. led to widespread degenerative behavior in urban conglomerates.
D. none of the above.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Between 1833 and 1837, the publishers of a "penny press" proved that a low-priced paper, edited to interest ordinary people, could win what amounted to a mass circulation for the times and thereby attract an advertising volume that would make it independent. These were papers for the common citizen and were not tied to the interests of the business community, like the mercantile press, or dependent for financial support upon political party allegiance. It did not necessarily follow that all the penny papers would be superior in their handling of the news and opinion functions. But the door was open for some to make important journalistic advances.
The first offerings of a penny paper tended to be highly sensational; human interest stories overshadowed important news, and crime and sex stories were written in full detail. But as
A. It was known for its in-depth news reporting.
B. It had an involvement with some political parties.
C. It depended on the business community for survival.
D. It aimed at pleasing the general public.
[单项选择]Passage Two
When an invention is made, the inventor has three possible courses of action open to him: he can give the invention to the world by publishing it, keep the idea secret, or patent it.
A granted patent is the result of a bargain made between an inventor and the state, by which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly (垄断) and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates (终止).
Only in most exceptional circumstances is the life-span of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events.
The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi: his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry was extended until 1971 because for most of the patent’s normal life there was no color TV to receive and thus no hope of reward for the invention.
Because a patent remains permanentl
A. an approach to patents
B. the application for patents
C. the use of patents
D. the access to patents
[单项选择]Passage Four Two equally brilliant scientists apply for a prestigious research fellowship awarded by a top scientific organization.One is white,the other black.Does the color of their skin matter Most scientists will already be screaming a resounding “no”. Those who progress in science do so because of their work, not their pigmentation. Science is meritocratic and objective. It must therefore be rigorously color-blind and shun both racial discrimination and affirmative action. Well,let’s think about this.If science really is so meritocratic,where are all the black Nobel prizewinners and fellows of the Royal SocietyThe black chairs of government scientific panelsThe black Richard Dawkinses and Susan GreenfieldsWhen Newsweek magazine recently surveyed Europe’s largest 100 copanies,it was shocked to unrearth only six board members of non-European racial origin. One shudders to thinks what a similar survey of upper echelons of European science would reveal. Even th
A. funding research instittution or labs
B. setting up a scientific career ladder
C. hiding the racial discrimination
D. belitting racial backgrounds


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