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发布时间:2023-10-30 03:00:13

[简答题]Many a time has the child been told not to play with fire ____________(但是他听不进去).

更多"Many a time has the child been told"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Two For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - and other creatures - learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective reward, at least in the early stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological “drives” as thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or some sort of physical comfort, not otherwise. It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome. Pap began his studies by using milk in the normal way to “reward” the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on making the learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he
A. are directly related to pleasure
B. will meet their physical needs
C. will bring them a feeling of success
D. are good for their psychological development
[单项选择]A client has been told to take ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) to relieve the pain of her rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following statements indicates the client understands how to take this drug safely and effectively
A. "I should not take aspirin with this drug unless my physician says to. "
B. "I should not take this drug with antacids or food products. "
C. "I do not need to worry about this medicine irritating my stomach. "
D. "I should notice the effects of this medicine within the first few days. "
[单项选择]The notice has been told everyone()a party will be held in the open air tomorrow.
A. whether
B. when
C. where
D. that
[多项选择]Question 2 Your company has been concerned with the disposal of its used computers which have not been fully depreciated. You have been asked to write a proposal concerning better ways of disposing used computers. Write your proposal, including the following: a description of what has happened to the old computers in the past a description of a new way of disposing of used computers an explanation of why this new approach is sound recommendations for further research on this approach Question 3 Your company has been receiving complaints about the employees’’ manner of answering phone calls from customers. Your manager has asked you to write a report of the problems with the way the employees handling phone calls from customers. Write the report, including the following information: why phone calls from customers are of significance to the company what complaints there are about the employees’’ manner of answering phone calls what can be do
[单项选择]Herbert has been fat lot a long time, so he has (41) to go on a diet that he might (42) weight. Herbert has (43) himself all the foods he (44) , but he has not lost any weight. When someone (45) Herbert yesterday, he hid a big box (46) his desk. The (47) held five big chocolate (48) and three bags of candy. Herbert decided to (49) himself because his diet was a (50) one.

A. good
B. strict
C. beautiful


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