更多"Questions 14-17 are based on an int"的相关试题:
[单项选择]Questions 14-17 are based on an introduction of housing available for students.Which type of housing has no more rooms for students
A. The international houses.
B. The student dorms.
C. The Spanish house.
D. Men’s houses.
Questions are based on the following talk about how to love and to be loved. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions .
People who are willful call themselves "independent" because()
A. their knowledge of words is very poor
B. they fail to make distinction between words; it is just a manner of speaking
C. they are too strict with their words
D. they use words loosely and make mistake in defining and distinguishing
Directions: Answer all the questions based on the information in the
passages below.
Passage One
Early that June Pins XII secretly
addressed the Sacred College of Cardinals on the extermination of the Jews.
"Every word we address to the competent authority on this subject, and all our
public utterances," he said in explanation of his reluctance to express more
open condemnation, "have to be carefully weighed and measured by us in the
interest of the victims themselves, lest, contrary to our intentions, we make
their situation worse and harder to bear." He did not add that another reason
for proceeding cautiously was that he regarded Bolshevism as a far greater
danger than Nazism. The position of the Holy Sea was deplorable but it was an
offense of omission rather than commission. The Church, under the Pope’s
guidance, had alrea A. Pius XII himself. B. Pius XII and the College of Cardinals. C. an unknown group. D. something that cannot be determined by the text.
[单项选择] Directions: Answer all questions based on the information in the
passages below.
An important point in the development
of a governmental agency is the codification of its controlling practices. The
study of law or jurisprudence is usually concerned with the codes and practices
of specific governments, past or present. It is also concerned with certain
questions upon which a functional analysis of behavior has some bearing. What is
a law What role does a law play in governmental control In particular, what
effect does it have upon the behavior of the controllee and of the members of
the governmental agency itself A law usually has two important
features. In the first place, it specifies behavior. The behavior is usually not
described topographically but rather in terms of its effect upon others - the
effect that is the object of governme A. punishment is carried out by the courts at all levels B. rules and court practices initiated by a governmental agency, are specifically designed to increase government control C. asystem of rules governing a conduct, activity or event incidental by nature D. any governmental reinforcement
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