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发布时间:2023-10-18 02:37:22

[单项选择]So what have they taught you at college about interviews Some courses go to town on it, others do very little. You may get conflicting advice. Only one thing is certain: the key to success is preparation.
There follow some useful suggestions from a teacher training course coordinator, a head of department and a headteacher. As they appear to be in complete harmony with one another despite never having met, we may take their advice seriously.
Oxford Brookes University’s approach to the business of application and interview focuses on research and rehearsal. Training course coordinator Brenda Stevens speaks of the value of getting students "to deconstruct the advertisement, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize each other’s." Finally, they role-play interviewer and interviewee.
This is sterling stuff, and Brookes students spend a couple of weeks on it. "The better prepared students won’t be thro

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[单项选择]So what have they taught you at college about interviews Some courses go to town on it, others do very little. You may get conflicting advice. Only one thing is certain: the key to success is preparation.
There follow some useful suggestions from a teacher training course coordinator, a head of department and a headteacher. As they appear to be in complete harmony with one another despite never having met, we may take their advice seriously.
Oxford Brookes University’s approach to the business of application and interview focuses on research and rehearsal. Training course coordinator Brenda Stevens speaks of the value of getting students "to deconstruct the advertisement, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize each other’s." Finally, they role-play interviewer and interviewee.
This is sterling stuff, and Brookes students spend a couple of weeks on it. "The better prepared students won’t be thro
[单项选择]What have you learned about Susan( ).
A. She was as tall as my shoulder.
B. She leaned her head on my shoulder.
C. She cried on my shoulder.
D. She looked at things over my shoulder.

Have you ever thought about what determines the way we are as we grow up Remember the TV program "Seven Up" It started following the lives of a group of children in 1963. We first meet them as wide-eyed seven-year-olds and then catch up with them at seven-year intervals: nervous 14-year-olds, serious 21 -year-olds, then grown-ups.
Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, but what is interesting in almost all the cases is the way in which the children’s early hopes and dreams are shown in their future lives. For example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or a taxi driver. When he grows up, he goes on to do both. How about Nicki She says," I’d like to find out about the moon." And she goes on to become a space scientist. As a child, soft-spoken Bruce says he wants to help "poor children" and ends up teaching in India.
But if the lives of all the children had followed this pattern
A. New ways to make a TV program interesting.
B. The importance of television programs to children.
C. Different ways to make childhood dreams come true.
D. The influence of childhood experience on future lives.

[单项选择]Do you have any ()about what living beings on other planets would be like
A. ideal
B. comprehension
C. notion
D. intelligence
[填空题]What have you to do before you get to the departure gate You have to pay ______.
[简答题]What have you learned from the story 2. What is the goal of your life If you have achieved the goal of your life, what would you do 目 标 在英国有一位残疾青年,他双腿走起路来很困难,却凭着坚强的信念和毅力创造了一次又一次的壮举:他19岁时登上了世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰;21岁时登上了阿尔卑斯山;22岁时登上了乞力马扎罗山。28岁前他登上了世界上所有著名的高。然而,就在28岁这一年他自杀了。原来在他11岁时,他的父母在攀登乞力马扎罗山时不丰遭遇雪崩,双双遇难。他的父母在临行前给他留下了遗嘱,希望他能像父母一样,登上世界上所有著名的高山。这位残疾青年把父母的遗嘱作为他人生奋斗的目标,当实现全部目标的时候,他感到前所未有的无奈和绝望。他留下遗言:“如今,功成名就的我感到无事可做了,我没有了新的目标……”
[填空题]What have people discovered about hobbies
Hobbies can be profitable and ______.


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