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发布时间:2023-12-11 22:17:36

{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Durable goods like high-definition plasma TVs last longer than a typical family vocation, so most economists and retailers would probably advise you to invest in some tangible thing rather than a trip to an amusement park to keep the family happy. But a psychologist says: Not so fast!
The memories of experiences such as vocations last longer and can contribute more to happiness than can material possessions, says happiness researcher Leaf Van Boven of the University of Colorado at Boulder. He suggests that experiences are more open to positive reinterpretation years after the fact--your mental editing will help you forget how long you stood in line and remember more vividly your child’s joy on the merry-go-round.
"The nice thing about memory is that we sort of forget about all those inconvenience
A. A swift whirling motion.
B. A state of mental confusion.
C. The distinctive complex of connotations or implications.
D. A distinctive character.

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{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Durable goods like high-definition plasma TVs last longer than a typical family vocation, so most economists and retailers would probably advise you to invest in some tangible thing rather than a trip to an amusement park to keep the family happy. But a psychologist says: Not so fast!
The memories of experiences such as vocations last longer and can contribute more to happiness than can material possessions, says happiness researcher Leaf Van Boven of the University of Colorado at Boulder. He suggests that experiences are more open to positive reinterpretation years after the fact--your mental editing will help you forget how long you stood in line and remember more vividly your child’s joy on the merry-go-round.
"The nice thing about memory is that we sort of forget about all those inconvenience
A. Material possession can not keep family happy.
B. Memories of experience contribute more to happiness.
C. Material possessions are more valuable.
D. We’re inclined to remember those unhappy experiences.
[单项选择]Text 4
Like all quintessentially British things, gardening is a pastime that has long been in decline. From a high point of £5 billion in 2001, spending on plants, tools and garden furniture has fallen every year since then, to around ~3 billion in 2008.The arrival of economic recession only deepened the gloom: to credit-crunched consumers, shrubs and hanging baskets seemed obvious candidates for cuts.
Yet the latest figures from the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) suggest a bumper year for garden-related expenditure is in the making. Sales volumes were up by 21% in March and 28% in April compared with the same months a year earlier. This was not the result of deep discounting, a strategy that many other retailers have been adopting. The value of garden goods sold was 37% higher in March and 42% higher in April than a year earlier,
A. Garden-related expenditure this year is more or less the same as that of last year.
B. Many retailers are offering deep discounts.
C. Prices of garden goods tend to remain stable in recent years.
D. Due to the status quo of economy, garden goods are not promised a bright future.

Text 3

Like dog’s poop on city pavements, rubbish left behind by tourists at natural sites is disgusting.
The funny thing is nobody likes seeing such mess in the places they are visiting but it seems only few really care enough to keep the place tidy. The obvious result is that garbage has become a common sight in forests which attract tourists.
We are certain that in many places park rangers—despite their small numbers, incomparable to the tremendous tourist troops—are already doing the best they can. Sometimes, however, we believe things could still be better.
Take the Thi-Lor-Su waterfall in Tak province for instance. One of the things about Thi-Lor-Su which we would like to talk about today is the commendable method of rubbish control at the waterfall.
There, food and drinks in commercial packaging are prohibited. The ban is enforced by requiring that each and every visitor heading from the camping
A. Their behavior is ridiculous.
B. Their behavior is immoral.
C. Their behavior is foolish.
D. Their behavior is illegal.

[单项选择]TEXT B Paris is like pornography.You respond even if you don’t want to.You turn a corner and see a vista,and your imagination bolts away。Suddenly you are thinking about what it would be like to live in Paris,and then you think about all the lives you have not lived.Sometimes,though, when you are lucky, you only think about how many pleasures the day ahead holds.Then, you feel privileged. The lobby of the hotel is decorated in red and gold.It gives off a whiff of 1 9m.century decadence.Probably as much as any hotel in Paris,this hotel is sexy.1 was standing facing the revolving doors and the driveway beyond.A car with a woman in the back seat—a woman in a short skirt and black—leather jacket—pulled up before the hotel door.She swung off and she was wearing high heels.Normally, my mind would have leaped and imagined a story for this woman.Now it didn’t I stood there and told myself.Cheer up.You’re in Paris. In many ways,Paris is best visited in winter.The tourist crowds a
A. regret.
B. condescension.
C. expectation.
D. impulse.


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