发布时间:2024-05-29 20:49:56

Text 4

The larger a machine and the more numerous its parts, the greater likelihood of a breakdown and the more expensive to repair. What has been said about market forces and management was necessarily oversimplified. The economies of modern industrial nations are large and very complex. To be sure, there is management, and there are market forces at work, but there are also many other factors that help or hinder economic function.
In modern industrial societies’ governments play a large role. There is a great amount of regulation, most of it meant for the protection of the public. All regulations affect the way businesses operate, often increasing their costs and reducing their profits. Lower profits, in turn, reduce the amount of money which is known as working capital that a company can use for expansion. Auto emission standards, for instance, have had a significant impact on the manufacture and pricing of automobil
A. it is harmful for a government to interfere with economic matters
B. state policies tend to lower profits and discourage investment
C. regulation may affect business operation by increasing the cost
D. most regulations are not meant for the protection of the public

更多"Text 4 The larger a machine and"的相关试题:

Text 4

The larger a machine and the more numerous its parts, the greater likelihood of a breakdown and the more expensive to repair. What has been said about market forces and management was necessarily oversimplified. The economies of modern industrial nations are large and very complex. To be sure, there is management, and there are market forces at work, but there are also many other factors that help or hinder economic function.
In modern industrial societies’ governments play a large role. There is a great amount of regulation, most of it meant for the protection of the public. All regulations affect the way businesses operate, often increasing their costs and reducing their profits. Lower profits, in turn, reduce the amount of money which is known as working capital that a company can use for expansion. Auto emission standards, for instance, have had a significant impact on the manufacture and pricing of automobil
A. to review the factors that affect economic operation
B. to explore the causes of periodic economic decline
C. to discuss the role governments play in modern industrialized
D. to propose remedies for correcting economic recessions

[单项选择] Eskimo villages today are larger and more complex than the traditional nomadic (游牧的) groups of Eskimo kinsmen. Village decision-making is organized through community councils and co-operative boards of directors, institutions which the Eskimos were encouraged by the government to adopt. They have been more readily accepted in villages like Fort Chimo where there is individualistic wage ethos and where ties of kinship are less important than in the rural village such as Port Burwell, where communal sharing between kinsmen is more emphasized. Greater contact with southern Canadians and better educational facilities have shown Fort Chi- mo Eskimos that it is possible to argue and negotiate with the government rather than to acquiesce passively in its policies. The old-age paternalism of southern Canadians over the Eskimos has died more slowly in the rural villages where Eskimos have been more reluctant to voice their opinions aggressively. This has been a frustration to government
A. people in general are better educated
B. they are already accustomed to co-operating
C. there is already communal ownership of goods
D. they are more accustomed to working independently for a living
[单项选择]Text 4
More than any other industry, the luxury-goods business needs people to feel good about spending money. So at a recent conference in Moscow, Bernard Arnault, the head of Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), the world’s biggest luxury-goods group, went to great lengths to dismiss investors’ fears about the impact on the industry of America’s credit crisis, a possible recession and the weak dollar. Indeed, Mr. Arnault said he expects the industry’s sales almost to double in the next five years, thanks to strong demand from emerging markets and the creation of new wealth across the globe.
After a depressing period at the beginning of the decade when the terrorist attacks in America, the outbreak of SARS and the war in Iraq reduced international travel and people’s appetite for frivolous things, the industry has had three excellent years
A. Newly developed markets such as Asia.
B. Markets with customers being merely affluent.
C. Markets in developing countries.
D. New market in European and American countries.


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