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发布时间:2024-07-29 21:32:23


W: I’m tired. I’m having next week off.
M: That’s a good idea. The break will do you good.

What does the man mean( ).
A. The woman has a good idea.
B. The woman should break the relationship.
C. The woman will come back next week.
D. The woman really needs a week off.

更多"W: I’m tired. I’m havin"的相关试题:


W: John bought a new motorcycle last week.
M: No, he bought a new bike. Jim bought a new motorcycle.

What did Jim buy( ).
A. A motorcycle.
B. A bike.
C. A car.

M: Did you buy the bed we saw last week
W: Of course. Though it’s not so beautiful, it’s very cheap.

Why did the woman buy the bed( ).
A. It is beautiful.
B. It is cheap.
C. The woman likes it very much.
D. It is of high quality.
[简答题]You have heard from your friend Peter last week, who is going to live in the same community with you, and you want to write a letter to introduce something to him about living in the community. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You do not need to write the address.

W: Do you mind if I turn the TV off
M: Can you see the football match hasn’t finished yet
W: But the baby is already in beet.
M: Oh, Ok. You always get your way.

What do we learn from the man’s reply()
A. He doesn’t care if it is turned off.
B. He thinks the woman is right.
C. He is reluctant to turn it off.
D. He wants the woman to watch the game, too.

W: Please turn off the lights, Harry.
M: Why What’s the matter I want to read the paper.
W: If we turn on too many lights, all the electricity in the house will go off.
M: Now who told you that
W: Our new neighbor Mr. Smith.
M: Mr. Smith When did he come to our home
W: I had to go to his home and ask for help today.
M: What was wrong
W: When I turned on the washing machine, all the lights went out.
M: Well, did he take care of it for you
W: Yes, but he said it would take a lot more work to do a really good job.
M: What does he mean by a really good job
W: He said we need new electric wires throughout the house and a lot of other things.
M: Did he tell you how much it would cost
W: Yes, about a thousand dollars.
M: A thousand dollars That’s a lot of money. And just when we need to get some work done on our car, too.

What had gone wrong in their h
A. Their washing machine.
B. The electricity.
C. The lights.
[单项选择]Antonio Conti consumes 2 pounds of beef per week when beef is $4.50 per pound and 3 pounds of chicken when chicken sells for $ 3.50 per pound. If the price of chicken increases to $ 4.00 per pound, Conti’s consumption of beef increases to 2.5 pounds per week. Which of the following most accurately describes Conti’s cross elasticity of demand for beef versus chicken The cross elasticity of demand for:()
A. beef relative to chicken is +1.67 and beef and chicken are complimentary goods.
B. beef relative to chicken is +1.67 and beef and chicken are substitutes.
C. chicken relative to beef is +1.75 and beef and chicken are substitutes.
[填空题]The student will put off the outing next week, _____ they won’t be so busy.
[填空题]Mary was iii and stayed in hospital for a week. Mary stayed in hospital for a week ______ she was ill.
[填空题]Christine: Next week. I’m in the accounting department. I make telephone calls to the banks, check the accounts, keep records... ______. Susan: It sounds like an excellent job.

M: I’m Avi Arditti, and this week on Wordmaster. we have a special guest to discuss creative writing.
W: My name is Chitra Divakaruni, and I am a writer and also a professor of creative writing at the University of Houston.
M: Creative writing is something you can teach
W: Only if you already know how to write. We can help you get better and we can help writers see what are their strengths and what are their weaknesses. And this is something that many writers, and myself included, sometimes have a hard time with, because we are so close to our own writing that it’s hard to be critical about it.
M: And you have to think about, I suppose in some cases, commercial considerations, if you want to actually make money from your writing. I mean, what’s the market demanding right now
W: What we are dealing with in creative writing programs is really literary fiction. So over there the market is very open and looking for new talent,
A. contains lots of issues.
B. arouses readers’ thinking.
C. contains a central theme.
D. arouses readers’ understanding.


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