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发布时间:2023-11-15 01:59:43

· Look at the chart below. It shows a restaurant’s income, total expenditure and advertising costs during an eight-month period.
· Which month does each sentence (11-15) describe’
· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not use any letter more than once.
Total expenditure rose slightly in lifts mouth, while advertising costs reached their peak, leading to a higher income in the following month.

更多"· Look at the chart below. It shows"的相关试题:

· Look at the chart below. It shows a restaurant’s income, total expenditure and advertising costs during an eight-month period.
· Which month does each sentence (11-15) describe’
· For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.
· Do not use any letter more than once.
In this month, total expenditure, like income, showed a tall, while spending on advertising demonstrated the opposite trend.
[单项选择]Which chart shows the company’s current income by country
[单项选择]Which chart shows where the company’s goods are made
[简答题]类别 bar chart 题目 The bar chart shows the results of surveys in business people in three different years of the factors they think important for managers. 题目翻译 该柱状图描述了在三个不同的年份中,商人认为对于经理重要的因素。 要素回忆 Five factors that will make managers to be good at their jobs / rating in three years: 1984, 1994 and 2004. five factors: interpersonal skills, relevant working experience, business relations, in-service training, on-business qualifications. 对factors的评价是打分形式,最高5分。 写作指导 1)注意时态,要用过去时 2)注意趋势的描写 3)文中要进行对比 重点表达式 ……has experienced a dramatic increase in…. The number of ……..rose sharply to …….. 题目评价 难度一般 近期考试趋势 接下来几次需注意饼状图和流程图
[单项选择]Which chart shows the sales of educational software
[单项选择]Which chart shows the passenger volume for the airline
[单项选择]Which chart shows foreign trade this year
[简答题]The chart shows the number of days the average employee has off work per year in four different countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and by making comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
Public holidays
Annual leave
Total days off
[简答题]题目 The bar chart shows the percentage of adults in different age groups using the internet in UK during 2003 to 2006. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目翻译 该表格显示了2003-2006年英国5个年龄段的成年人在4个时间的上网百分比。 选取主要的特征对信息进行概括,在相关的地方进行比较。 要素回忆 动态表格,横向为五个年龄段(16-24, 24-44, 44-64, 65 and over),纵向分别为不同时期的人上网的百分比。 写作指导 1)注意时态,要用过去时 2)可先分别描写每个年龄段的人在不同时期的上网情况(纵向描写) 3)再就是不同年龄段的上网情况的比较(横向描写) 重点表达式 The number of ....accounted for.... ......, with the number reaching.... …ranks the first.... 题目评价 难度一般 推荐练习 剑桥真题2, test4 剑桥真题5, test2 近期考试趋势 五月份会换题库,第一季度至今未出流程地图题,下面出现的概率会很大,其次是线图和饼图。
[单项选择]This bar chart shows the heights of a class of pupils.
Which statement must be true
A. 2 children are 125 cm tall or less.
B. 8 children are at least 140 cm tall, but less than 145 cm tall.
C. 8 children are more than 144 cm tall, but less than 150cm tall.
D. No children are taller than 158 cm.
[填空题]This bar chart shows how many times a class of children hit a target with a set of ten beanbags. How many children hit the target fewer than 7 times
[简答题]图表种类 流程图 图表instruction The flow chart shows how to produce electricity from coal. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
[多项选择]图表种类 柱状图 图表instruction The chart shows the percentage of household expenditure on goods and services in a country from 1995 to 2005. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


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