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发布时间:2024-06-30 07:40:56

[单项选择]Everyone knows that smoking is no good for health, but still more and more people begin to smoke. At present 38% of the Chinese population(人口) smoke and millions of smokers die from smoking each year. Most of the smokers are men. But problem is that more and more women begin to smoke. The number of smokers is becoming larger and larger every day. Every year the government (政府,管理) has to spend lots of money looking after the people with illness(病,疾病) caused by smoking, and it has to pay lots of money for the great loss (损失) in the fire caused by smoking. The government wants people to give up smoking, but the tobacco (烟草,烟草制品) companies want to encourage more young people to start smoking because they want to make more money from tobacco sales.
Why do many smokers find it hard to give up smoking The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug (药,毒品) called nicotine (尼古丁). It is the nicotine that gets them into the habit (习惯,性) of smoking and makes them find it hard to stop.

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[单项选择]Everyone knows that smoking is no good for health, but still more and more people begin to smoke. At present 38% of the Chinese population(人口) smoke and millions of smokers die from smoking each year. Most of the smokers are men. But problem is that more and more women begin to smoke. The number of smokers is becoming larger and larger every day. Every year the government (政府,管理) has to spend lots of money looking after the people with illness(病,疾病) caused by smoking, and it has to pay lots of money for the great loss (损失) in the fire caused by smoking. The government wants people to give up smoking, but the tobacco (烟草,烟草制品) companies want to encourage more young people to start smoking because they want to make more money from tobacco sales.
Why do many smokers find it hard to give up smoking The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug (药,毒品) called nicotine (尼古丁). It is the nicotine that gets them into the habit (习惯,性) of smoking and makes them find it hard to stop
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say

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