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发布时间:2023-12-30 23:47:10

[填空题]Private claims advocates help people figure out their bills free of charge.

更多"Private claims advocates help peopl"的相关试题:

[填空题]Private claims advocates help people figure out their bills free of charge.
[单项选择]Without the help of people from every corner of the world, people in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province()recovered very quickly from the May twelfth Earthquake.
A. must not have
B. couldn’t have
C. may not have
D. can’t have
[填空题]The author doubts that people can really accept the notion that space within dwellings may be reduced even further.

[单项选择]We always wonder about famous people. What were they like
Sigmund Freud, the world-famous doctor of Vienna, was a thinker who changed the way we look at mental trouble. He was also a man of courage.
Once Freud was walking down a dark street, he was met by two robbers who wanted to rob him. This was back in 1890. Freud took his stick by the tip and beat off the robbers.
Freud did not lose cool when the Nazis (纳粹分子) came to his house. The Nazi soldiers found 1500 shillings in a drawer. Their officer put the money in his pocket and was about to leave.
"You’re very lucky." said Dr. Freud.
"Why " asked the young officer.
"Well," said Freud. "I’ve been a doctor here in Vienna for forty years, and I never got 1500 shillings for just one visit."
Freud was not only a brave man, but also had a sense of humour. Once, at his 70th birthday party, a friend asked Freud if he could put his work into simple words. "Well," said Freud, "We take the patien
A. he was brave
B. he was a thinker
C. he had a sense of humor
D. he was a doctor of Vienna
[简答题]Nowadays, too many young people are crazy about the TV PI( shows. In order to realize their dreams of being a famous star, some of them give up their study to attend these shows. This phenomenon has aroused many parents’ and teachers’ concern. What’ s your opinion
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic
You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.
In the second part, support your opinion wink appropriate details.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions mail result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]To get most out of people, a leader should know their ______.

[填空题]It is the interaction (between) people, (rather than) the events that occur in their lives that (are) the main focus (of) social psychology. A. between B. rather than C. are D. of
[填空题]Yadin needed hundreds of people to help him because the palace of Masada was huge and the work was difficult.

[单项选择]Every other week it seems a new study comes out that adds to our already-formidable store of parental worries. But even by those upgraded standards, the report issued last week by the federal government’s National Center for Health Statistics contained a jaw-dropper: the parents of nearly one of every five boys in the United States were concerned enough about what they saw as their sons’ emotional or behavioral problems that they consulted a doctor or a healthcare professional. By comparison, about one out of 10 parents of girls reported these kinds of problems.
The report confirms what many of us have been observing for some time now: that lots of school-age boys are struggling. And, parents are intensely worried about them.
What is bothering our sons Some experts suggest we are witnessing an epidemic of ADD (attention deficit disorder) and say boys need more treatment. Others say that environmental pollutants found in plastics, among other things, may be eroding their
A. play games with their mates after school
B. spend more time on some hands-on activities
C. do more quiet activities instead of active ones
D. put all their time and energy into reading and math drills


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