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发布时间:2023-10-27 07:45:46

[填空题]What may impress you most at the first glance of the watch
It’s _______.

更多"What may impress you most at the fi"的相关试题:

[填空题]What may impress you most at the first glance of the watch
It’s _______.

[填空题]What fact may surprise you about dogs Dogs are ______
[单项选择]Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is your family and the love you share in your relationships, and I couldn’t agree more. But money comes into play in those relationships.
When I talk about money this way to a group, there is always someone who comes up to me and says, "Suze, you are so wrong. Money isn’t the key to life--this is ! "At which point their wallet flies open and they show me a photo of their family.
That’s when things get interesting, because I start asking them questions: Did you take that photo with your own camera It looks like a beautiful beach, was the photo taken on a family vacation Do you hope to help those beautiful boys and girls go to college
As their answers are" yes", I ask them how they provide all of that for their family. That’s when they understand that I had it right.
I totally agree that family and friends are of great importance to our well being ; without meaningful relationships, there’s no chance of ev
A. They hope to show money is very important.
B. They want to prove they can afford a holiday.
C. They think a good family makes them truly happy.
D. They believe a happy person considers people first.
[填空题]What outdoor sporting activities may you seek
Such as walking,()
[多项选择]PART 1
·What place impressed you most
[简答题]What joy did you enjoy the most and why
[填空题]When I say "communication," most of you may think about{{U}} (36) {{/U}}communication—that is the words we use when we talk to someone. However, there is another important{{U}} (37) {{/U}}to communication; non-verbal communication, which is done by using our bodies, gestures, and everything except the{{U}} (38) {{/U}}words we use. {{U}} (39) {{/U}}, scientists called it Kinesics. It is the scientific study of body movements used in communication, Which includes gestures, {{U}} (40) {{/U}}, eye behavior and posture. {{U}} (41) {{/U}}these movements, we also communicate with our speech{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. The field of study{{U}} (43) {{/U}}a great deal to all the researchers. {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. The first point I would like to discuss is that, whereas spoken languages differ between countries, or even from one place to another within the same country, many people believe that most non-verbal communication is kind of natural, and not learned and, therefore, {{U}} (45)


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