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发布时间:2023-11-04 02:59:34

[单项选择]A. With pleasure. B. It’s so heavy. C. Yes, you will. D. You’re welcome.

更多"A. With pleasure. B. It’s so heavy"的相关试题:

[多项选择] You have won this year’s scholarship, so you decide to invite your best friend Mary to have dinner at the Rose Bar, at 7 o’clock. Write a note of invitation.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

M: So you’re visiting San Francisco
W: Yes, I just got here the day before yesterday, and you
M: I’m a native.
W: Oh, really All the people I meet here are tourists like me. I was beginning to think that maybe there were no natives.
M: Well. San Francisco has a lot of different ethnic groups, so you might think you’re seeing a lot of foreigners. But in fact, the city has a population of about 700, 000 people.
W: What are the ethnic groups
M: Well. after whites, the largest one is blacks.
W: I thought it was Chinese.
M: It’s true that San Francisco has the largest Chinese community outside Asia. But the black people there are more than Chinese.
W: That’s interesting. Don’t most of the Chinese people live in Chinatown
M: Well, no, they live throughout the city, but Chinatown is definitely the center of Chinese culture here. That’s where you’ll find the bes
A. The blacks.
B. The whites.
C. The Chinese.
D. The Japanese.

[单项选择]A. Yes, you will. B. Yes, you should do it.
C. That’s a good idea. D. Let’s have dinner together.
[填空题]Thank you so much for the flowers. It’s very ______ of you. (thought)
[填空题]It’s not safe to carry so much money with you. You’d better _____ the money in the bank.

W: So you work in a hotel now.
M: Yes. That’s right.
W: What’s it like
M: It’s nice. I meet a lot of interesting people, but a lot of dull ones, too.
W: I beg your pardon
M: I said, a lot of dull ones, too.
W: Oh, yes. I can imagine. I should think that’s hard work, isn’t it
M: Yes and no. It depends.
W: What do you mean
M: Well, it’s hard at weekends. I mean, last Saturday, with all the rooms full and two receptionists away ill—well, my feet didn’t touch the ground. What about you
W: I started to work in a bank last Monday.

Where does the man work ( )
A. In a bank.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a hotel.

W: So you’re an actor, Mike
M: Yes. When I left school I went to drama school, then I started working as an actor.
W: What do you like most
M: Oh, working in the theater, definitely. When I started I was with a small theater company. I worked all over the country in small theaters doing a new play.., we did a new play every two weeks! It was difficult work, but I enjoyed it.
W: What other kinds of work do you do
M: Oh, a lot of different things. Last year I did a lot of television drama. I was in a police detective story, and in Casualty, a hospital drama series. I’d like to do some television advertisements sometime too. You can earn a lot of money doing those.
W: What are you doing at the moment
M: I’m working on a film. It’s a love story. It’s very interesting. Still learning a lot about the filming process.
W: And what are your plans for the future
M: Well, I’m doing mo


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