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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:44:20

[填空题]Opponents of smoking financed the UCSF study.

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[填空题]Opponents of smoking financed the UCSF study.
[单项选择]Creating a World without Smoking Smoking will be banned in all pubs, clubs and workplaces from next year after historic votes in the Commons last night. After last-minute appeals from health campaigners, MPs opted for a blanket prohibition which will start in summer 2007, ending months of argument over whether smokers should be barred in pubs and restaurants only. They voted to ban smoking in all pubs and clubs by 384 to 184,a surprisingly large majority of 200. Smoking will still be allowed in the home and in places considered to be homes, such as prisons, care homes and hotels. Smokers lighting up in banned areas will face a fixed penalty notice of £50 and spot fines of £200 will be introduced for failing to display no-smoking signs, with the possible penalty, if the issue goes to court, increasing to £1,000. Carp line Flint, the Public Health Minister, also announced that the fine for failing to stop people smoking in banned areas would be increased to £2,500-more than ten times
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[单项选择] Smoking Is Smoking a Major Cause of Lung Cancer in Women Many people think that lung cancer affects mostly men. But even though we hear more about breast cancer, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. And nearly all lung cancer deaths in women are due to smoking. Quitting smoking now is one important change you can make to improve your lung and overall health and live longer. Former smokers have a lower risk for lung cancer than do current smokers. In one to nine months after quitting smoking, your lungs will function better. And after 10 years, your risk of lung cancer is nearly the same as someone who never smoked. Should Women Who Smoke Be Concerned about Heart Disease Yes. More women die each year from heart disease than from any other illness. Smoking is the major cause of heart disease in women, especially those younger than age 50. Women who use birth control pills have a much higher risk of heart disea
A. Y
B. N
[单项选择]At the beginning, Geraldine financed her business
A. through her parents.
B. with a bank loan.
C. with her own money.
[单项选择]Sometimes opponents of capital punishment horrify with tales of lingering death on the gallows, of faulty electric chairs, or of agony in the gas chamber. Partly in response to such protests, several states such as North Carolina and Texas switched to execution by lethal injection. The condemned person is put to death painlessly, without ropes, voltage, bullets, or gas. Did this answer the objections of death penalty opponents Of course not. On June 22, 1984, The New York Times published an editorial that sarcastically attacked the new "hygienic" method of death by injection, and stated that "execution can never be made humane through science." So it’s not the method that really troubles opponents. It’s the death itself they consider barbaric.
Admittedly, capital punishment is not a pleasant topic. However, one does not have to like the death penalty in order to support it any more than one must like radical surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy in order to find necessary these atte
A. supports capital punishment
B. is trying to learn how to cure cancer
C. fears that someone might be punished by mistake
D. likes radical surgery, radiation and chemotherapy


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