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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:29:46

[单项选择] Whenever advertisers want you to stop thinking about the product and to start thinking about something bigger, better, or more attractive than the product, they use that very popular word "like". The word "like" is the advertiser’’s equivalent of the magician’’s use of misdirection. "Like" gets you to ignore the product and concentrate on the claim the advertiser is making about it. "For skin like peaches and cream" claims the ad for a skin cream. What is this ad really claiming It doesn’’t say this cream will give you peaches-and-cream skin. There is no verb in this claim, so it doesn’’t even mention using the product. How is skin ever like "peaches and cream" Remember, ads must be read exactly according to the dictionary definition of words. This ad is making absolutely no promise for this skin cream. If you think this cream will give you soft, smooth, and youthful-looking skin, you are the one who has read the meaning into the ad. The wine that claims "It’’s like taking a
A. economic status
B. practical need
C. emotional need
D. social status

更多"Whenever advertisers want you to st"的相关试题:

[单项选择] Whenever advertisers want you to stop thinking about the product and to start thinking about something bigger, better, or more attractive than the product, they use that very popular word "like". The word "like" is the advertiser’’s equivalent of the magician’’s use of misdirection. "Like" gets you to ignore the product and concentrate on the claim the advertiser is making about it. "For skin like peaches and cream" claims the ad for a skin cream. What is this ad really claiming It doesn’’t say this cream will give you peaches-and-cream skin. There is no verb in this claim, so it doesn’’t even mention using the product. How is skin ever like "peaches and cream" Remember, ads must be read exactly according to the dictionary definition of words. This ad is making absolutely no promise for this skin cream. If you think this cream will give you soft, smooth, and youthful-looking skin, you are the one who has read the meaning into the ad. The wine that claims "It’’s like taking a
A. what the advertiser says about the product
B. what magic the product really possesses
C. why the advertiser promotes the product
D. why the product is as good as promised
[简答题]Up to now, we have not heard anything from you about the shipment of your Contract No. 8726 against our Order No. 645. No doubt there must have been some mason for the delay in shipment and we cabled you that we were extending the L/C to the end of Nov. We feel sum we shall soon be hearing from you about this business.
[填空题]Didn’t you know it I wish I (tell) ______ you about it.

[单项选择]Text 4
Elections often tell you more about what people are against than what they are for. So it is with the European ones that took place last week in all 25 European Union member countries. These elections, widely trumpeted as the world’s biggest-ever multinational democratic vote, were fought for the most part as 25 separate national contests, which makes it tricky to pick out many common themes. But the strongest are undoubtedly negative. Europe’s voters are angry and disillusioned-and they have demonstrated their anger and disillusion in three main ways.
The most obvious was by abstaining. The average overall turnout was just over 45%, by some margin the lowest ever recorded for elections to the European Parliament. And that average disguises some big variations: Italy, for example, notched up over 70%, but Sweden managed only 37%.
A. a proposal is advanced in the first paragraph and then negated in the following paragraphs
B. an prophecy is revealed and then proved with concrete examples
C. a generalization is made in the first paragraph and then elaborated in the following paragraphs
D. a proposition is introduced in the first paragraph and then explained in details in the following paragraphs
[简答题]part 1 Household Chores What do you dislike about household chores Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores Do you like to do housework What kind of housework do you usually do

"I would tell anyone who’s thinking about going back to school that it’s not as difficult as you think," says Karen Jonaitis, a woman, last year, at 47, earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration at a college. "I realized that I would not move up in my career without a degree. "
A generation ago, Jonaitis would have been a rarity(稀罕)in college. Today about 6 million people aged 25 or older are studying in American institutions of higher learning. Whether they are returning to improve job skills or for the love of learning, adults no longer see age as a deterrent(障碍). Most people jump at the opportunity to do something new. Some of them make changes they’d been thinking about all their lives. Others return to school out of economic necessity.
New developments in neuroscience(神经科学)and psychology are confirming that there are few age limits on how much the brain can absorb and for how long--if you stay ac
A. our mind
B. our body
C. our age
D. our nerves


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