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发布时间:2023-10-07 23:46:43

[填空题]When I was young I often heard the song (sing) ______ by people.

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[填空题]When I was young I often heard the song (sing) ______ by people.
[简答题]About what do young people often ask when they enroll at her academy
[填空题]When I walked past his window, I heard him (sing) ______ the song.
[填空题]I heard Jane (sing) ______ in her room last night.
[填空题]When Song Strom asked the druggist to give him the poison, the druggist told him that he had given him the poison in ______.
[填空题]She was heard (sing) ______ all the time.
[单项选择]Mark Lilla: Young consumers often have not established their credit ratings. Many do not have steady incomes. They might have difficulty borrowing money from an agency in business to make loans. Parents or relatives are usually their best sources of loans. Of course, the parents or relatives would have to have money available and be willing to lend it. You might even get an interest-free loan. However, a parent or relative who lends should receive interest the same as any other lenders. Chris Roddy: For most consumers, the cheapest place to borrow money is in a commercial bank. Banks are a good source of installment loans, which may run for 12 months or up to 36. Most banks also make single payment loans to consumers for short periods of 60, or 90 days. A typical interest rate is 3 cents per $ 100 per day. Suppose that you used $ 100 of your credit and repaid it in 30 days. The cost would be 90 cents. Karen Barber: Another possible source of loans is a life insuran
[填空题]Young people often wonder at the large number of S31 ______ who do not respond to their applications for jobs. They say that despite S32 ______ return envelopes they hear nothing at all or, at best, .an S33 ______ note is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled. S34 ______ often developed the S35 ______ that S36 ______ are earmarked (指定) for friends and relatives and that advertisements are only put ont to avert (避免) this S37 ______ . Many of them tire of writing around and feel that if only they could obtain an interview with the right person their application would meet with. success. S38 ______ . Yet even sending brief replies to the many who apply takes much time and money. That so called return envelope may not have been stamped by the sender, and S39 ______ .A brief note is all that can be managed and even that depends on the policy of the firm. S40 ______ .S34


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