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发布时间:2024-04-04 00:21:09

[填空题]Radical groups are only found within the Labor Party.

更多"Radical groups are only found withi"的相关试题:

[填空题]Radical groups are only found within the Labor Party.
[填空题]Psychologists have found that only about two percent of adults use their creativity, compared with ten percent of seven-year-old children. When five-year-olds were tested, the results soared to ninety percent! Curiosity and originality are daily occurrences for the small child, but somehow most of us lose the freedom and the flexibility of the child as we grow older. The need "to follow directions" and "do-it- right", plus the many societal constraints we put on ourselves, prevents us from using our creative potential.
It is never too late to develop our creative potential. Some of us, however, find it difficult to think in imaginative and flexible ways because of our set pattern of approaching problems. When we are inflexible in our approach to situations, we close our minds to creative possibilities.
Being creative doesn’t necessarily mean being a genius. It means looking at situations in a new way or putting something together in a new form that makes sense... Spontane
[填空题]Hildy Ross found that only about half the time do parents actually ______.

An English tourist found that he had only enough money in his pocket to buy the ticket. As he knew that it took only two days to go back to England he decided to spend the two days without having meals. So he bought the ticket and got on the ship. He dosed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner time came, be refused to go to the dining hall, saying that he didn’t feel well. The next morning he didn’t go to breakfast and lunch. At dinner time be was so hungry that he could not stand(忍受)it any longer. "I’m going to eat, "be said, "even if they throw me into the sea."
At dinner he ate everything the waiter put out in front of him and got ready for the coming quarrel(争吵). "Bring me the bill(账单), "he said.
"The bill, sir " said the waiter.
"Yes, "answered the tourist.
"There isn’t any bill, "was the answer." On the ship m
[单项选择]An English tourist found that he had only enough money in his pocket to buy the ticket. As he knew that it took only two days to go back to England he decided to spend the two days without having meals. So he bought the ticket and got on the ship. He dosed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinner time came, be refused to go to the dining hall, saying that he didn’t feel well. The next morning he didn’t go to breakfast and lunch. At dinner time be was so hungry that he could not stand(忍受)it any longer. "I’m going to eat, "be said, "even if they throw me into the sea."
At dinner he ate everything the waiter put out in front of him and got ready for the coming quarrel(争吵). "Bring me the bill(账单), "he said.
"The bill, sir " said the waiter.
"Yes, "answered the tourist.
"There isn’t any bill, "was the answer." On the ship meals are included in the money for the ticket. /

When lunch was ready the waiter ______ to let people know.
A. rang the bell
B. wrote down on the blackboard
C. cried and shouted
[单项选择]It is only recent years that man found that the protection of our environment is no small matter to our fives.
A. 直到近年来人们才发现,保护环境对我们的生存至关重要。
B. 直到近年来人们才发现,环境保护在我们的生活中并不是一件小事。
C. 只需几年人们就会发现,环境保护不过是生活中的一件小事。
D. 直到前几年人们才发现,保护环境在我们的生活中不是一件容易的事情。
[单项选择]It is only in recent years that man found that the protection of our environment is no small matter to our lives.
A. 只有在近年人们才发现,保护环境对我们的生存至关紧要。
B. 只在前几年人类才发现,环境保护是我们生活中必不可少的。
C. 只有几年人们就会发现,环境保护不过是生活中的一件小事情。
D. 只需要几年人类就会发现,保护环境事情虽小,生活中却不易实现。
[填空题]Proper Physical Labor


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