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发布时间:2023-10-01 07:02:39

[单项选择]Everything he saw was distasteful to him. He hated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage, and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue.
Two roads led out ofthe town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewet stepped off the road on to one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net.
The exercise indeed served to clear away the superficial irritations of the morning, but he remained miserable. It seemed proved beyond a doubt that Rachel was indifferent to him,
A. Hewet was in love with Rachel but he did not want to marry her.
B. Hewet saw in his mind unpleasant pictures of married couples.
C. Hewet believed married women were worse than married men.
D. Hewet’s most individual and humane friends were not marrie

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[单项选择]Everything he saw was distasteful to him. He hated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage, and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue.
Two roads led out ofthe town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewet stepped off the road on to one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net.
The exercise indeed served to clear away the superficial irritations of the morning, but he remained miserable. It seemed proved beyond a doubt that Rachel was indifferent to him,
A. passionate
B. idealistic
C. quixotic
D. unrealistic
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Everything he saw was distasteful to him. He hated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage, and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue.
Two roads led out ofthe town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewet stepped off the road on to one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net.

A. passionate
B. idealistic
C. quixotic
D. unrealistic
{{B}}TEXT E{{/B}}

Everything he saw was distasteful to him. He bated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage, and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue.
Two roads led out of the town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewer stepped off the road on top one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net.
The exercise indeed served to clear away the superficial irritations of the morning, but he remained
A. passionate
B. idealistic
C. quixotic
D. unrealistic
[单项选择]Jim was intelligent, but he hated hard work. He said, "You work hard, and make a lot of money, and then the government takes most of it. I want easy work that gives me lots of money and that the government doesn’t know about".
So he became a thief--but he did not do the stealing himself. He got others to do it. They were much less intelligent than he was, so he arranged everything and told them what to do.
One day they were looking for rich families to rob, and Jim sent one of them to a large beautiful house just outside the town.
It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing on a piano.
When he went back to Jim, he said, "That family can’t have much money. Two people were playing on the same piano there./
where did one of the thieves go to do the stealing
A. To the village.
B. To the country.
C. To the city.
D. To the town.


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