Why does the Foundation concentrate its
support on basic rather than applied research Basic research is the very heart
of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a
capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal
of basic research is understanding, for its own sake. Understanding of the
structure of the atom or the nerve cell, the explosion of a spiral nebula or the
distribution of cosmic dust, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man
as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or
more human beings come into contact with one another--the scope is staggering,
but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular
result, conflicting evidence might be overlooked or, with the best will in the
world, simply not appreciated. Moreov A. Roentgen’s Ignorance of X-rays B. The Attractiveness of Applied Research C. The Importance of Basic Research D. Basic Research vs. Applied Research [单项选择]Why does the Foundation concentrate its support on basic rather than applied research Basic research is the very heart of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal of basic research is understanding, for its own sake. Understanding of the structure of the atom or the nerve ceil, the explosion of a spiral nebula or the distribution of cosmic dust, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or more human beings come into contact with one another--the scope is staggering, but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular result, conflicting evidence might be Overlooked or, with the best will in the world, simply not appreciated. Moreover, the practical applications of basic research frequently cannot be anticipated. When Roentgen, the physicist, discovered X-rays
A. it leads to results that can be appreciated B. it is driven out by applied research C. it provides the basis for scientific progress D. its results cannot be anticipated 我来回答: 提交