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发布时间:2024-07-28 18:51:06

[填空题]Though its feisty founder has left, Giordano’s casual wear sales ______ (仍然没有下降的迹象).

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[填空题]Though its feisty founder has left, Giordano’s casual wear sales ______ (仍然没有下降的迹象).
[单项选择]Though Wales is visited mainly for its beautiful scenery, ancient castles and charming sea-side resorts, the fourth most popular place, attracting over a million visitors a year, is a little town on the River Wye, rightly called Hay-on-Wye. The great number of book shops has earned the otherwise sleepy little border town the name of "largest second-hand book shop in the world," for the whole town seems to be one massive collection of books.
The whole thing began in the early 60’s when Richard Booth opened an antique (古董) store in which he also sold some books. The books sold far better than the antiques and soon the clever businessman was buying up every piece of property (地产) he could get in town to store and sell books. It wasn’t long before Mr. Booth began to call himself as "the world’s biggest second-hand book seller." He began to attract attention from book lovers.
The first success of Booth’s books brought other book traders to town. When a fire destroyed much of t
A. seaside resorts
B. beautiful scenery
C. ancient castles
D. sleepy little border towns
[填空题]·has its handbook criticised
[填空题]Though she has bought many clothes, she is always__________(抱怨缺少合适的衣服).

[简答题]Though it has been used in China to treat pain for thousands of years, acupuncture still makes many doctors uneasy, especially in the West. 1. The treatment is based on the idea that needles inserted at specific points can correct a pain-producing imbalance in two bodily forces—the yin and the yang. Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, a University of Toronto neurophysiologist, has a different explanation: acupucture may stimulate the release of the body’s own natural painkillers—endorphins—which act something like morphine (吗啡).
Seven years ago social worker Gwenn Chriss was told she had lupus (狼疮). Once able to swim a mile, she could barely swim across the pool. She tried all sorts of pills, but her pain only got worse.
Desperate, she went to an acupuncturist who inserted about a dozen stainless steel needles at points on her legs, arms and ears. Slowly, Chriss began to recover. Within six months she was swimming again.
2. The U. S.
[简答题]Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. (Passage 1)

[填空题]Identity theft is a minor offence and its harm has been somewhat overestimated.
[填空题]Though it has a strong economy, it may be more difficult for Germany to ______.

[简答题]On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm(热情) for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.(Passage 2)


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