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发布时间:2024-01-31 23:47:12

[单项选择]—How did you find your visit to the museum
—I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was______than I expected.()
A. far more interesting
B. even much interesting
C. so more interesting
D. a lot much interesting

更多"—How did you find your visit to the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]--How did you think of your visit to the museum
--I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was()than I expected.
A. far more interesting
B. even much interesting
C. so more interesting
D. a lot much interesting

W: How did you find your new flat
M: Well, it’s quite nice really, although I’m having a hard time getting used to such a big building.

What is the man’s problem( ).
A. He can’t find his new building.
B. He is not accustomed to the large building.
C. He had a bigger apartment before.
[单项选择]How did you get on in your exam()
A. Yes, I did.
B. No, I didn’t.
C. Yes, of course.
D. Oh, I afraid.
[单项选择]W: How did you do with your essay for Professor Black Scott
A. Everything is OK. But I failed to finish it.
B. Professor Smith Scott didn’t work successfully enough to let me believe in him.
C. Nonsense. It’ s not your business.
D. Not too bad, it took me almost 10 hours.
[单项选择]Man: How did you go to Canada, Jane Did you flyWoman: I was planning to, because it’s such a long trip by bus or by train. But Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him. It took us two days and a night.Question: What can we infer from the conversation
A. Fred is planning a trip to Canada.
B. Fred usually flies to Canada with Jane.
C. Fred persuaded Jane to change her mind.
D. Fred likes the beautiful scenery along the way to Canada.

W: How did you like your work as a reporter M: Well, it was interesting. But I had to work long hours. I was never home on weekends.

What did the man mean()
A. He didn’t like the work because it kept him working long hours.
B. He didn’t like the work because it isn’t interesting.
C. He liked the work very much.

M: Well, Mrs. Fem, how did you do in your driving test
W: Not so well, I’m afraid.
M: Didn’t you get your license
W: No. My score was only 49 percent. The woman who tested me was very strict about everything.
M: Where did you lose the most points
W: One thing was not turning my head before changing lanes or making turns.
M: Right. Using a turn signal isn’t enough. To be safe, you have to glance back over your shoulder in the direction you want to go.
W: My teacher didn’t emphasize that enough, or about maintaining the right distance behind the car in front.
M: That’s right. You need a training distance of about one or two car lengths when you’re driving.
W: My parallel parking was good. I’ve been practicing that a lot.
M: What was your worst moment
W: Waiting on an uphill stop for the light to change to green.
M: What happened
W: Well,
A. She failed.
B. She barely passed.
C. She passed easily.
D. She wouldn’t say.

[单项选择]Rose: Oh, hi, Bill. How was your holiday Did you have a good time Bill: Oh, yes, it was fantastic. Thailand is really beautiful and there is so much to do. Rose: Yes, I imagine so. Did you do a lot of sight-seeing, then Bill: Yes, all day long! The temples were incredible. Rose: But it must have been expensive. ______ Bill: Yes, I’m sorry to say! Rose: So was it worth going to Thailand, then Bill: Oh, yes---definitely. It was the holiday of a lifetime.
A. Did you spend a lot of money
B. Did you have a good time
C. Do you regret having been there
D. Do you want to go there again
[简答题]Your Work or Your Studies Did you like your first day at university
[简答题]Your Work or Your StudiesWhy did you choose that subject

A. How did you like it
B. I heard you took a trip to Mexico.
C. Maybe by then it’ll be too late.
D. Perhaps you should buy a new one.
E. You know what you can do
F. That’s funny.
G. You can take it.
H. Can you do me a favor

Francie: Your clock never works. ______
Rosie: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I’ll definitely buy a new one.


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