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发布时间:2024-08-01 01:52:02

[单项选择]Passage Four
One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is, of course, the voice of the advertisers. Its striking clamor dominates our lives. It shots at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers, waves to us from every page of the newspaper picks at our sleeves on the escalator, signals to us from the roadside billboards all day and flashes messages to us in coloured lights all night. It has forced on us a whole new conception of the successful man as a man no less than 20 % of whose mail consists of announcements of giant carpet sales.
Advertising has been among England’s biggest growth industries since the war, in terms of the ratio of money earnings to demonstrable achievement. Why all this fantastic expenditure
Perhaps the answers is that advertising saves the manufactures from having to think about th
A. exploit customers’ fears
B. understand customers’ psychology
C. disguise himself or herself successfully
D. win customers’ confidence

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[单项选择]Passage Four
One of the most authoritative voices speaking to us today is, of course, the voice of the advertisers. Its striking clamor dominates our lives. It shots at us from the television screen and the radio loudspeakers, waves to us from every page of the newspaper picks at our sleeves on the escalator, signals to us from the roadside billboards all day and flashes messages to us in coloured lights all night. It has forced on us a whole new conception of the successful man as a man no less than 20 % of whose mail consists of announcements of giant carpet sales.
Advertising has been among England’s biggest growth industries since the war, in terms of the ratio of money earnings to demonstrable achievement. Why all this fantastic expenditure
Perhaps the answers is that advertising saves the manufactures from having to think about th
A. interferes with the privacy of our home life
B. influences our image of the kind of person we ought to be like
C. continually forces us into buying things we don’t want
D. distracts us wherever we go
[填空题]Passage Four Most mammals can sprint faster than humans— having four legs gives them the advantage. But when it comes to long distances, humans can outrun almost any animal. Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that would overheat other animals.
[单项选择]Passage Four
About one million years ago, the Ice Age began. The Ice Age was a long period of time in which four great glaciers pushed southward to cover almost all the upper half of North America, and then melted away. Each glacier was a thick sheet of ice and snow that spread out from a centre near what is now Hudson Bay in Canada. The winters were long, and the cool summers were too short to melt much of the ice and snow. The ever-growing sheet built up to a thickness of two miles at its centre.
As all glaciers do, these great glaciers slid. They pushed down giant trees in their paths and scraped the earth bare of soil. Many animals moved farther south to escape. Others stayed and were destroyed.
When winters of little snow came, the summer sun cut into the edges of the ice sheets. As the glaciers melted, rocks, soil and other things
A. the Ice Age was a long period of time
B. great glaciers covered North America many years ago
C. changes in climate helped to melt the glaciers
D. how glaciers changed North America
[单项选择]Passage Four Most cities and/or states in the U. S. collect a sales tax on almost everything you buy. You must ask when you move into a new community how much the local sales tax is, and what items are and are not taxable. Both taxable items and the amount of tax vary considerably from place, from one of two percent in some places up to eight or ten in others. The New York City sales tax, for examples, is currently 8%, so if you buy a pair of $ 40 shoes you will actually have to pay $ 43.20. This makes paying and getting correct change much more difficult (not to mention making everything more expensive). Another thing that makes money changes more complicated is tipping. The Chinese people have happily put an end to tipping, but Westerners are still plagued(遭受折磨) with this indignity. Waiters and waitresses, cab drivers, hotel bellboys, barbers and hairdressers and all sorts of other people must be tipped. Their employers give them low wages because it is
A. shopping and tipping
B. sales and shopping
C. sales taxes and tipping
D. sales taxes and people
[单项选择]Passage Four
The most noticeable trend among today’s media companies is vertical integration—an attempt to control several related aspects of the media business at once, each part helping the other. Besides publishing magazines and books, Time Warner, for example, owns Home Box Office (HBO), Warner movie studios, various cable TV systems throughout the United States and CNN as well. The Japanese company Matsushita owns MCA Records and Universal Studios and manufactures broadcast production equipment.
To describe the financial status of today’s media is also to talk about acquisitions (并购). The media are buying and selling each other in unprecedented numbers and forming media groups to position themselves in the marketplace to maintain and increase their profits. In 1986, the first time a broadcast network had been sold, two networks were sol
A. They both belong to Rupert Murdoch.
B. They are both big American media corporations.
C. They both own several different but related media businesses.
D. They are both outlets of differing viewpoints and innovative ideas.
[单项选择]Passage Four
In most American cities, the tent for a one-bedroom apartment was $250 or more per month in recent years. In some smaller cities such as Louisville, Kentucky or Jacksonville, Florida the rent was less, but in larger cities it was more. For example, if you lived in Los Angeles, you had to pay $400 or more to rent a one-bedroom apartment, and the same apartment rented for $625 and up in Chicago. The most expensive rents in the U. S. were in New York City, where you had to pay at least $700 a month to rent a one-bedroom apartment in most parts of the city.
Renters and city planners are worried about the high cost of renting apartments. Many cities now have rent-control laws to keep the cost of renting low. These laws help low-income families who cannot pay high rents.
Rent control in the United States began in 1943 when the go
A. The Highest Rent
B. Rent Controls
C. Building Apartments for Low-Income Families
D. Rent-Control Laws


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