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发布时间:2024-07-31 04:21:09


There was a big pile of bricks on the top of a tall building and a man had to bring them down to the ground. He had a long rope which went over a pulley(滑轮) at the roof of the building. The other end was fastened to a big box.
First he pulled the box up to the top of the building, and fastened the end of the rope so that the box could not come down. Then he climbed up the ladder and filled the box with bricks. Next he climbed down the ladder and untied the rope. Unfortunately the box of bricks was heavier than the man, and as a result he was pulled up by the: rope. Half-way up, the box of bricks hit him as it was coming down.
When he reached the top, his head hit the pulley. The box of bricks hit the ground and broke. As a result the bricks fell out. The box was then lighter than the man and consequently he began to come down and the box began to go up.
Half-way up, the box hit the man. The man still held on to the rope and the box therefore Continued to g
A. He was afraid that someone would steal his box.
B. Because he wanted to climb up along the rope.
C. He fastened the end of the rope in order to keep the box unmoved.
D. Because he wanted to prevent the box from coming down.

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There was a big pile of bricks on the top of a tall building and a man had to bring them down to the ground. He had a long rope which went over a pulley(滑轮) at the roof of the building. The other end was fastened to a big box.
First he pulled the box up to the top of the building, and fastened the end of the rope so that the box could not come down. Then he climbed up the ladder and filled the box with bricks. Next he climbed down the ladder and untied the rope. Unfortunately the box of bricks was heavier than the man, and as a result he was pulled up by the: rope. Half-way up, the box of bricks hit him as it was coming down.
When he reached the top, his head hit the pulley. The box of bricks hit the ground and broke. As a result the bricks fell out. The box was then lighter than the man and consequently he began to come down and the box began to go up.
Half-way up, the box hit the man. The man still held on to the rope and the box therefore Continued to g
A. the box of bricks was heavier than him
B. the box of bricks was lighter than him
C. the box of bricks came down too fast
D. the man was too careless

[单项选择]The right combination of bricks, mortar and plaster can be mixed to build a city, but it is the city’s people who add that extra dimension which makes it vibrant, memorable, famous and much-visited. London is such a city, and a major exhibition about its people makes this point by pulling together paintings, drawing and prints by artists over the centuries to show Londoners from all walks of life and in all manners of setting. The capital’s renowned old markets, most now gone, like Covent Garden and Billingsgate, captured the eye of painters because of the extraordinarily disparate range of characters mingling together. Processions and ceremonial events were popular subjects, although many artists were inspired by the individuals they saw: the street traders, laborers, merchants, craftsmen, society folk, servants, visiting foreigners, the very poor, the old, and the criminals. There is a book which accompanies the show and from which In Britain has chosen its illustrations. Londoners i
A. the city itself
B. its inhabitants
C. the buildings
D. the markets
[单项选择]The marketing manager has little confidence in talking the board of directors out of the plan about the launching of a new product.
A. 销售经理太缺乏信心,根本不可能说服董事会停止谈论推出新产品之事。
B. 销售经理在劝董事会放弃投放这项新产品的计划时,表现得毫无信心。
C. 营销部经理想劝董事会放弃投放这项新产品的计划,对此他有一点信心。
D. 营销部经理刘劝说董事会放弃投放这项新产品的计划几乎没什么信心。
[单项选择]Atoms (原子) are all around us. They are the bricks of which everything is made. Millions of atoms are held in just one grain of salt, but in spite of their small size they are very important. The way an everyday object acts depends on what kind of atoms are in it and how they act.
For example, you know that most solid objects melt (溶化) if they get hot enough. How does it happen It is the effect of the heat on the object’s atoms. All atoms move constantly. When they are hot, they move faster.
Usually the atoms in an object hold together and give the object its shape. But if the object grows hot, its atoms move so fast that they break the force that usually holds them together. They move out of their usual places so that the object loses its shape. Then we say that the object is melting.
Atoms in an object move ______.
A. when it is heated
B. whenever it is hot
C. when it is melted
D. all the time


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