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发布时间:2024-06-30 07:27:21

[单项选择]U.S. college students are increasingly burdened with credit card debt, according to a study released Tuesday, and the consequences can be serious--ranging from higher drop-out rates to future employment problems and even suicide.
Based on hundreds of face-to-face interviews and surveys with students, sociologist Robert Manning of Georgetown University concluded both the number with credit card debt and their indebtedness had been "systematically underreported" in previous studies which failed to reflect the "survival strategies" many used to cope with their debts. These included the use of federal student loans to pay off credit cards, effectively shifting the debt, appeals to parents for loans, cutting back on course work to increase time at paid jobs, or even dropping out altogether to work full time. "Official drop-out rates include growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and/or part time jobs for servicing their credit cards," the s
A. Parents.
B. Students themselves.
C. College and university administrators.
D. Credit card issuers.

更多"U.S. college students are increasin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]U.S. college students are increasingly burdened with credit card debt, according to a study released Tuesday, and the consequences can be serious--ranging from higher drop-out rates to future employment problems and even suicide.
Based on hundreds of face-to-face interviews and surveys with students, sociologist Robert Manning of Georgetown University concluded both the number with credit card debt and their indebtedness had been "systematically underreported" in previous studies which failed to reflect the "survival strategies" many used to cope with their debts. These included the use of federal student loans to pay off credit cards, effectively shifting the debt, appeals to parents for loans, cutting back on course work to increase time at paid jobs, or even dropping out altogether to work full time. "Official drop-out rates include growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and/or part time jobs for servicing their credit cards," the s
A. Use federal student loans.
B. Seek part-time jobs to get money.
C. Promote the prominence of credit cards.
D. Ask parents to help them pay the debt.
[填空题]There are more and more students applying college admission.
[单项选择]American college students are increasingly ______ with credit card debt and the consequences can be rather serious.
A. boosted
B. burdened
C. discharged
D. dominated
Passage One

Most students arrive at college using" discrete, concrete and absolute categories to understand people, knowledge, and values. " These students live with a dualistic view, seeing "the world in polar terms of we-right-good vs. other-wrong-bad. " These students cannot acknowledge the existence of more than one point of view toward any issue. There is one "right" way. And because these absolutes are assumed by or imposed on the individual from external authority, they cannot be personally substantiated or authenticated by experience. These students are slaves to the generalizations of their authorities. An eye for an eye! Capital punishment is apt justice for murder. The Bible says so.
Most students break through the dualistic stage to another equally frustrating stage—multiplicity. Within this stage, students see a variety of ways to deal with any given topic or problem. H
A. most of their beliefs cannot be supported by arguments
B. they have accepted their "truths" simply because authorities have said these things are "true"
C. they half-believe and half-disbelieve just about everything
D. their teachers almost always think that "dualistic" thinkers are wrong

[简答题]Films and TV series are now increasingly imbued with violence and inappropriate scenes, which induces controversies over whether the government should exercise stricter censorship over films and TV programs. Write an essay of about 400 words to explain your reasons. You should supply a title for your essay.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[单项选择]College professor: College students do not write nearly as well as they used to. Almost all of the papers that my students have done for me this year have been poorly written and ungrammatical.
Which one of the following is the most serious weakness in the argument made by the professor
A. It requires confirmation that the change in the professor’s students is representative of a change among college students in general.
B. It offers no proof to the effect that the professor is an accurate judge of writing ability.
C. It does not take into account the possibility that the professor is a poor teacher.
D. It fails to present contrary evidence.
E. (E) It fails to define its terms sufficiently.
[填空题]Students go to college to (rich) ______ their knowledge.
Should College Students Attend Beauty Contest

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

[填空题]College students are heavy Internet users.


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