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发布时间:2024-08-08 22:04:24


It’s a problem that vexes some of China’s brightest minds: why is China so far behind the world in math After all, this is a country with a long intellectual tradition, one that invented the abacus and may have come up with the Pythagorean theorem before it dawned on Pythagoras. (46) Sure, Chinese high-school students consistently dazzle the world with sky-high standardized-test scores and gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad. But high school seems to be where they peak.
Only one Chinese-born mathematician has won the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize of math, in its 70-year history. And that man, Yau Shingtung, is among those most worried. (47) Now a professor at Harvard, he was stunned after recently interviewing a faculty candidate at a prominent Chinese university. "A student at that level, I wouldn’t even give a master’s degree," he said. "I’m not pessimistic, but the problems are there."

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It’s a problem that vexes some of China’s brightest minds: why is China so far behind the world in math After all, this is a country with a long intellectual tradition, one that invented the abacus and may have come up with the Pythagorean theorem before it dawned on Pythagoras. (46) Sure, Chinese high-school students consistently dazzle the world with sky-high standardized-test scores and gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad. But high school seems to be where they peak.
Only one Chinese-born mathematician has won the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize of math, in its 70-year history. And that man, Yau Shingtung, is among those most worried. (47) Now a professor at Harvard, he was stunned after recently interviewing a faculty candidate at a prominent Chinese university. "A student at that level, I wouldn’t even give a master’s degree," he said. "I’m not pessimistic, but the problems are there."

[单项选择]    Archaeological discoveries have led some scholars to believe that the first Mesopotamian     inventors of writing may have been a people the later Babylonians called Subarians. According to     tradition, they came from the north and moved into Uruk in the south. By about 3100B.C, They     Were apparently subjugated in southern Mesopotamia by the Sumerians, whose name became (5)  synonymous with the region immediately north of the Persian Gulf, in the fertile lower valleys of     the Tigris and Euphrates. Here the Sumerians were already well established by the year 3000B.C.     They had invented bronze, an alloy that could be cast in molds, out of which they made tools and     weapons. They lived in cities, and they had begun to acquire and use capital. Perhaps most     important, the Sumerians adapted writing (probably from the Subarians) into a flexible tool of (10)  communication.     Archacologists have known about the Sumerians for over 150 years. Archacolog
A. Babylonians
B. Subarians
C. Akkadians
D. Sumerians
[简答题]To solve the problem of domestic violence, some people suggest that a kind of special service educating abusive partners should be used so as to ___________________________________.
[填空题]Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. ______ He must make his problem more specific.
  • A. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing.
  • B. Eventually one suggestion seems to be the solution to the problem.
  • C. He immediately realizes the solution to his problem: he must clean the gear wheels.
  • D. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the flame.
  • E. After studying the problem, the person should have several suggestions for a possible solution.
  • F. In short, he has solved the problem.

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