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发布时间:2023-09-28 17:25:31

[单项选择]Prolonged and excessive use of alcohol can seriously undermine an individual’s health. Physical deterioration occurs. Large quantities of alcohol can directly damage body tissue and indirectly cause malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies can result for several reasons. Alcohol contains empty calories, which have no significant nutritive value. When consumed in substantial amounts, alcohol curbs one’ s appetite for more wholesome foods. Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with the proper digestion and absorption of food. Therefore, even the heavy drinker who does eat a well-balanced diet is deprived of me essential nutrients. Maintenance of a drinking habit can deplete economic resources otherwise available for buying good, wholesome food. Malnutrition itself further reduces the body’ s ability to utilize the nutrients consumed. The result of damaged tissue and malnutrition can be brain injury, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer of the liver, and weakened muscle tissue. Untreated alc
A. Heavy drinkers are in poverty.
B. Heavy drinkers are likely to die suddenly.
C. Physicians should know about seine of their patients’ habits.
D. Heavy drinkers usually live shorter than ordinary peopl

更多"Prolonged and excessive use of alco"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Prolonged and excessive use of alcohol can seriously undermine an individual’s health. Physical deterioration occurs. Large quantities of alcohol can directly damage body tissue and indirectly cause malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies can result for several reasons. Alcohol contains empty calories, which have no significant nutritive value. When consumed in substantial amounts, alcohol curbs one’ s appetite for more wholesome foods. Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with the proper digestion and absorption of food. Therefore, even the heavy drinker who does eat a well-balanced diet is deprived of me essential nutrients. Maintenance of a drinking habit can deplete economic resources otherwise available for buying good, wholesome food. Malnutrition itself further reduces the body’ s ability to utilize the nutrients consumed. The result of damaged tissue and malnutrition can be brain injury, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer of the liver, and weakened muscle tissue. Untreated alc
A. sensory words
B. convincing arguments
C. scientific facts
D. figures of speech

Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. It’s easy to understand why. For adults, alcohol is legal, widely (1) in American culture and easily (2) . Many kids can get a drink right in their own homes. (3) are drinking younger and more frequently than (4) , often beginning around age 13, according to studies. The average number of alcoholic drinks among college students is five on a single (5) , according to a recent survey. Among those younger 21, it is 5.5 drinks, and among (6) 21 and older, it is 4.2 drinks.
Young people almost always begin drinking because of (7) pressure, in an attempt to be accepted and (8) in the group. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, more than half of junior and senior high school students drink alcoholic (9) . More than 40 percent of those who drink admit to drinking when upset, 31 percent admit to drinking (10) , 25 percent admit
A. these
B. those
C. which
D. whom


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