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发布时间:2024-06-30 01:37:44

[填空题]The way PowerPoint has spread exponentially through the culture seems analogous, in way to ______.

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The wide spread of the photographic industry has led to a greater demand for skilled technicians in darkrooms and photographic laboratories. However, qualified workers are hard to find, because not many people seem to be attracted to this kind of work. Some people like to take pictures during their holidays, but they seldom produce their pictures all by themselves--that is the work of a photographic technician. Although it may not be easy to spend a full working day in the darkroom, it can be very satisfying to produce carefully processed photographs.
Especially, if one can produce a very good photograph of high quality, his sense of achievement is gained. Besides achieving job satisfaction, the photo technician can move on into production if he or she desires. For instance, the technician may choose to learn related skills such as photo rest
A. Photo retouching.
B. Photo restoration.
C. Darkroom work.
D. The sale of the film rolls.

The wide spread of the photographic industry has led to a greater demand for skilled technicians in darkrooms and photographic laboratories. However," qualified workers are hard to find, because not many people seem to be attracted to this kind of work. Some people like to take pictures during their holidays, but they seldom produce their pictures all by themselves-that is the work of a photographic technician. Although it may not be easy to spend a full working day in the darkroom, it can be very satisfying to produce carefully processed photographs. Especially, if one can produce a very good photograph of high quality, his sense of achievement is gained.
Besides achieving job satisfaction, the photo technician can move on into production if he or she desires. For instance, the technician may choose to learn related skills such as photo restoration or photo retouching. Of course, these will make photo production more like an art, and it is not easy to become skilled
A. sad
B. satisfying
C. surprised
D. special

[单项选择]"AIDS has spread both numerically and geographically. " What does the statement meanWhat is the passage mainly about
A. How AIDS spreads to Africa.
B. How innocent people contract AIDS.
C. What can be done to save innocent victims of AIDS.
D. How HIV-positive persons develop AIDS.
[填空题]American English has spread in popularity mostly due to business, Hollywood, the Internet, and education. Many countries still (36) British English the "real thing" when it comes to studying English in the classroom, but it seems that American English is being used more by second-language English speakers on the street and in their (37) lives. The founder and co-editor of the journal World English agrees, "American English is (38) faster than British English", and this spreading has even had some (39) in England itself.
Several factors can (40) for the wider use of American English. In 1993, the United States (41) 75 percent of the world’s television programming with (42) sending television shows like "Sesame Street" and "E. R." to every corner of the world. Hollywood (43) also accounted for a huge share of the movie market in Europe, Asia, and South America. Another key factor is that Americ
[单项选择]Passage 2
Service as an ideal has spread out into many branches of American life. More and more the institution of a community are expected to anticipate (预见) the needs of the citizen, and to make possible a healthier, happier, richer life. Meanwhile service as a commercial activity has leaped ahead. Since 1870 the experienced labor force engaged in production of services has risen from 25% to 35%. Whether you want a daily diaper (尿布) service for the new infant, a carwash (many of them mechanized so as to be completed in ten or fifteen minutes ) or a clipping for your dog, you are sure to find it. The yellow pages in the back of every telephone booklist hundreds of such offerings.
While the supermarkets have been moving in the direction of self-service in exchange for lower prices, smaller enterprises have sprung up to supply home service t
A. Americans are the best served in the world
B. The production of services in America has risen from 25% to 35%
C. Supermarkets have moved in the right direction of self-service
D. Service as an ideal of American people has entered into many fields of lives of Americans


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