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发布时间:2023-10-24 06:33:30

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

In a reaction against a too - rigid, overrefined classical curriculum, some educational philosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of "life experience" as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only throught" doing, can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as," Teach the child, not the subject," they demand, without sensing its absurdity, and end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great books, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature.
What is the purpose of literature7 Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher James Joyce states that
the artist reveals the human situation by re -creating life out of life;
A. the recounting of dramatic and exciting stories, and the creation of characters
B. to create anew a synthesis of life that illumines the human condition
C. the teaching of morality and ethical behavior
D. to write about tragedy and despair

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{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

In a reaction against a too - rigid, overrefined classical curriculum, some educational philosophers have swung sharply to an espousal of "life experience" as the sole source of learning. Using their narrow interpretation of John Dewey’s theories as a base for support, they conclude that only throught" doing, can learning take place. Spouting such phrases as," Teach the child, not the subject," they demand, without sensing its absurdity, and end to rigorous study as a means of opening the way to learning. While not all adherents to this approach would totally eliminate a study of great books, the influence of this philosophy has been felt in the public school curricula, as evidenced by the gradual subordination of great literature.
What is the purpose of literature7 Why read, if life alone is to be our teacher James Joyce states that
the artist reveals the human situation by re -creating life out of life;
A. the gradual subordination of the study of great literature in the schools
B. a narrowed interpretation of the theories of John Dewey
C. a sharp swing over to "learning through doing"
D. an end to rigorous study as a way of learning
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

"There are too many students overcrowding courses and contributing nothing to society," says Professor Edward Mishan, explaining the subject of an article, published recently in an economics journal.
Using pure economic rationality, Professor Mishan argues that subsidizing students because they benefit society is a fallacy--one that he says he would have included in his book 21 Popular Economic Fallacies, had he thought of it when it was first published in 1970.
"For if higher education is free," he writes, "a man who chooses to spend three years at university rather than enter the workforce may be willing to do so even though it makes no perceptible difference to his future earnings."
As such he advocates full commercial rates on loans for students to pay the entire costs of their higher education..
Professor Mandy Telford is not amused. "There is no doubt that charging commercial interes
A. subsidized students may benefit society
B. with free higher education, students may become more willing to enter the workforce
C. students may overcrowd some courses and be unwilling to take other courses
D. subsidizing is a good way to assign resources
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
Centuries ago, man discovered that removing moisture from food helps to preserve it, and that the easiest way to do this is to expose the food to sun and wind. In this way the North American Indians produce pemmican (dried meat ground into powder and made into cakes), the Scandinavians make stockfish and the Arabs dried dates and "apricot leather".
All foods including water — cabbage and other leaf vegetables contains as much as 93% water, potatoes and other root vegetables 80%, lean meat 75% and fish, anything from 80% to 60%, depending on how fatty it is. If this water is removed, the activity of the bacteria which cause food to go bad is checked.
Fruit is sun-dried in Asia Minor, Greece, Spain and other Mediterranean countries, and also in California, South Africa and Australia. The methods used vary, but in general,
A. is the one most commonly used today
B. was invented by the American Indians
C. has been known for hundreds of years
D. tends to be unhygienic
Text 2

Not too many decades ago it seemed "obvious" both to the general public and to sociologists that modern society has changed people’s natural relations, loosened their responsibilities to kin and neighbors, and substituted in their place superficial relationships with passing acquaintances. However, in recent years a growing body of research has revealed that the "obvious" is not true. It seems that if you are a city resident, you typically know a smaller proportion of your neighbors than you do if you are a resident of a smaller community. But, for the most part, this fact has few significant consequences. It does not necessarily follow that if you know few of your neighbors you will know no one else.
Even in very large cities, people maintain close social ties within small, private social worlds. Indeed, the number and quality of meaningful relationships do not differ between more and
A. Two contrasting views are presented.
B. An argument is examined and possible solutions given.
C. Research results concerning the quality of urban life are presented in order of time.
D. A detailed description of the difference between urban and small-town life is given.

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

An Organization that Supports the Arts
Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art. This it does by enthusiastically handing out money. Annual cash awards are given to deserving artists in various categories of creativity: architecture, musical composition, theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting, sculpture. One award subsidizes a promising American writer’ s visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of fiction that failed commercially--once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble.
The awards and prizes are total about 750,000 a year, but most of them range in size from 5,000 to 12,500, a welcome sum to many young practitioners whose
A. It sold more copies than The Poorhouse Fair.
B. It described the author’ s visit to Rome.
C. It was a commercial success.
D. It was published after The Poorhouse Fair.


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