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发布时间:2023-10-07 14:15:32

[单项选择]Limestone that can be highly polished is (termed) marble.
A. improved by
B. similar to
C. known as
D. substituted for

更多"Limestone that can be highly polish"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Limestone that can be highly polished is (termed) marble.
A. improved by
B. similar to
C. known as
D. substituted for
[单项选择]When the limestone or other carbonate rock just below the ground surface dissolves naturally, ______ collapses and forms sinkholes.
A. a land
B. the land
C. the lands
D. lands
[填空题]Freelance photography can be a highly{{U}} (36) {{/U}}career and can potentially take you around the world. The scope for work is large, as well as the traditional sources of{{U}} (37) {{/U}}and newspapers. The increase in Internet usage has opened up another{{U}} (38) {{/U}}for you to sell your work or gain ongoing {{U}} (39) {{/U}}. The digital age has{{U}} (40) {{/U}}the use of traditional camera with the ongoing development of digital cameras, and therefore reduced the use of the old dark room{{U}} (41) {{/U}}that were time {{U}} (42) {{/U}}and potentially damaging to health due to the toxic chemicals used to process pictures from film. At the time of writing (2004) the use of colour photography is not yet 100 years old, the first{{U}} (43) {{/U}} colour films being produced by the Lumiere Brothers in France in 1907.{{U}} (44) {{/U}} with the introduction of the first digital cameras in the mid 1990’s. This has reduced a lot of the burden and overheads of tradit
[单项选择]International ocean shipping constitutes a highly significant aspect of world economic and political relationships. The rapid growth in world trade and the emergence of new national entities in the last 30 years have further emphasized the role of international shipping. Because of the generally free environment in which it has operated, the industry is highly mobile and flexible—characteristics that, together with technological progress, have facilitated the rapid growth in world trade.
In recent years, however, there have been several technological and institutional developments that are likely to have major efforts on the industry. One of the latter is the aggregation of conventions and practices known as the Law of the Sea, which has been discussed in the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea since 1958. The third UNCLOS began in 1974 and concluded when a treaty was issued on April 30, 1982. The treaty will enter in force when 60 nations have ratified it. How soon th
A. countries involved
B. climate shift
C. changes in the Law of Sea
D. industrial environment

Passage 2

Highly intelligent and strong, elephants are the largest land animals and are among the longest-lived, with life spans of 60 years or more. Healthy, full-grown elephants have no natural enemies other than humans.
Elephants once lived on every continent except Australia and Antarctica, but elephants today are restricted to Africa and parts of Southeast Asia. They occupy a wide range of environments in Africa and Southeast Asia: grasslands, marshes, forests, deserts, and mountains. They need great quantities of food to support their massive size. They also need a lot of drinking water and so are restricted to areas with adequate water.
Throughout history, people have prized elephants for their great size and strength. On the battlefield, elephants have defeated the enemies. Elephants also have been t
A. highly intelligent and strong, elephants are the largest land animals
B. elephants are among the longest-lived, with life spans of 60 years or less
C. healthy, full-grown elephants have natural enemies rather than humans
D. human beings bring great harm to the elephants
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