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发布时间:2024-07-28 05:20:17

[填空题]"What (exact) ______ do you want to say" the teacher asked the student.

更多"'What (exact) ______ do you want to"的相关试题:


W:Excuse me, what did you say you would like to do, Mr Green
M: I said I’d better go hack to the hotel. I’m meeting someone this evening.
W: OK, how are you going hack By bus or taxi
M: I think I’d take a taxi. Do you know where I can get one
W: Oh, just wait by the roadside. I’ll wait with you.
M: OK, thanks. Are the taxis in London all black
W: Well, some of them are. Is this your first time in London
M: Yes, it is. Do you give extra money to the taxi drivers here
W: Oh, look. Here’s one. Taxi!
M: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

What will the man do in the evening( ).
A. Go to London.
B. Meet somebody.
C. See the woman again.
[填空题]What can you also do if you want to know more about it You can get information from its _____________________.

What will you say when your adviser helps you to edit your paper "Thank you for your help. " or "I really ______ . "
[简答题]What do you want to do after your MBA study

Employees say one thing and do another, a recent UK-based report claims. (0) H Addressing these problems is especially important when there are skills shortages, and companies are trying hard to retain the workers they have. According to the report, there is a consistent discrepancy between what really attracts staff and keeps them, and what they say are priorities.
The report found that, although there are differences in preferences, depending on age, home country and gender, all age groups say they rate the work/life balance as an extremely important consideration for staying with their particular company. (9) This is followed by job security and financial rewards.
However, despite their proclamations about wanting a work/life balance, it was established that this does not have a positive effect on retention for any subgroup. Similarly, people profess to identify more clo
What do you do when you want to learn the meaning of a {{U}} (21) {{/U}} word If you’re {{U}} (22) {{/U}} most people, you do one of two things. You ask someone to tell you the word’s meaning, or you look {{U}} (23) {{/U}} the word in a dictionary.
The fact that you can look up words in a dictionary can be {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to a man named Noah Webster. He produced the first dictionary of American English.
Noah Webster was a person who {{U}} (25) {{/U}} words. He was born in West Hartford, Connecticut in 1758. Webster studied at Yale and later became a teacher and a writer.
In 1782 Webster was teaching at an elementary school in Goshen, New York. He saw that the schoolbooks he was using left {{U}} (26) {{/U}} something he felt was important. The books Webster {{U}} (27) {{/U}} to use in his teaching came from England. Th
A. in
B. at
C. by
D. on


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