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发布时间:2023-09-30 00:27:35


High school and college students in the United States today, as well as others who plan to work in this country, have one important question about their futures: Will they find a job There’s no easy answer, of course. But let’s look at some of the recent changes in the U.S. job market and see if we can make some predictions for future job hunters.
A. good way to begin is to look at the American work force and how it’s changing. Clearly, the most important change has been the shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Let’s define both of these terms. First, a service economy is one in which most workers provide services--that is they do something instead of making something. They don’t produce a specific product; they serve customers or clients, like your doctor does, or your hair stylist, or airline pilots, salesclerks, etc. Now, in contrast, people who actually produce things -- like cars, furniture or clothing--are part of th

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High school and college students in the United States today, as well as others who plan to work in this country, have one important question about their futures: Will they find a job There’s no easy answer, of course. But let’s look at some of the recent changes in the U.S. job market and see if we can make some predictions for future job hunters.
A. good way to begin is to look at the American work force and how it’s changing. Clearly, the most important change has been the shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Let’s define both of these terms. First, a service economy is one in which most workers provide services--that is they do something instead of making something. They don’t produce a specific product; they serve customers or clients, like your doctor does, or your hair stylist, or airline pilots, salesclerks, etc. Now, in contrast, people who actually produce things -- like cars, furniture or clothing--are part of th

[单项选择]High school and college students today are pushed so much in the direction of specialization ( )little time is left for the further development of the basic reading skills initiated in earlier years.
A. as
B. so that
C. that
D. therefore
[单项选择]What will the college students do for the high school students
A. Employ them as lab assistants.
B. Teach classes at their high school.
C. Help them with their studies.
D. Pay them for participating in the study.
[单项选择] The United States In 1782 【51】 the United States won its independence, the bald eagle was chosen 【52】 the national bird of the new country. American leaders wanted the eagle to be a 【53】 of their country because it’’s a bird of strength and courage. They chose the bald eagle because it was found all over North America and only in North America. But a little over 200 years 【54】 ,the bald eagle had almost disappeared from the country, In 1972, there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States. The reason for the birds 【55】 population was pollution, especially pollution of rivers by pesticides. Pesticides are chemicals 【56】 to kill insects and other animals that attack and destroy crops. 【57】 , rain often washes pesticides into rivers. Pesticides pollute the rivers and poison the fish. Eagles eat 【58】 and the poison 【59】 their eggs. The eggs have very thin shells and do not hatch. Eagles 【60】 only two or three eggs a year. Beca
A. symbol
B. mark
C. trace
D. sign


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