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发布时间:2024-07-01 07:42:52

[单项选择]A Mess on the Ladder of Success A) Throughout American history there has almost always been at least one central economic narrative that gave the ambitious or unsatisfied reason to pack up and seek their fortune elsewhere. For the first 300 or so years of European settlement, the story was about moving outward: getting immigrants to the continent and then to the frontier to clear the prairies(大草原), drain the wetlands and build new cities. B) By the end of the 19th century, as the frontier vanished, the US had a mild panic attack. What would this energetic, enterprising country be without new lands to conquer Some people, such as Teddy Roosevelt, decided to keep on conquering (Cuba, the Philippines, etc.), but eventually, in industrialization, the US found a new narrative of economic mobility at home. From the 1890s to the 1960s, people moved from farm to city, first in the North and then in the South. In fact, by the 1950s, there was enough prosperity and white-collar wor

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[单项选择]A Mess on the Ladder of Success A) Throughout American history there has almost always been at least one central economic narrative that gave the ambitious or unsatisfied reason to pack up and seek their fortune elsewhere. For the first 300 or so years of European settlement, the story was about moving outward: getting immigrants to the continent and then to the frontier to clear the prairies(大草原), drain the wetlands and build new cities. B) By the end of the 19th century, as the frontier vanished, the US had a mild panic attack. What would this energetic, enterprising country be without new lands to conquer Some people, such as Teddy Roosevelt, decided to keep on conquering (Cuba, the Philippines, etc.), but eventually, in industrialization, the US found a new narrative of economic mobility at home. From the 1890s to the 1960s, people moved from farm to city, first in the North and then in the South. In fact, by the 1950s, there was enough prosperity and white-collar wor

Long long ago mankind began to use tools. Throughout the world, you can still find the tools which were used over two million years ago. People made such tools by hitting one stone (36) another. By this means, they got pieces from one of the stones. These pieces of stone were always (37) on one side. People utilized them to (38) skin and meat from some animals that were dead, (39) to make other tools from wood. Mankind needed (40) use tools since, unlike other meat-eating (41) , say lions, they did not have sharp teeth. Tools greatly helped people obtain food more (42) .
Tools helped (43) human intelligence as well when human worked with them. The human brain became bigger gradually, and human beings began to invent a growing number of tools. The stone piece was one of the (44) tools that were used by people, and maybe it was (45) . Some scientists hold it was the key (46) huma
A. smaller 
B. larger 
C. higher 
D. lower


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