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发布时间:2024-01-11 20:32:42

[单项选择]Passage Three Today’s recyclers can now conceivably lay claim to a rich, bloody, brawny heritage, if a new Viking discovery is any indication. The famed Norse warriors, many of whom settled parts of eastern and northern England in the Middle Ages, recycled as they fought, new excavations in the United Kingdom suggest. An 11th-century metalworking site recently discovered in the city of York is likely evidence of a makeshift recycling center, where Vikings took weapons for reprocessing after battle, according to historian Charles Jones, organizer of the Fulford Battlefield Society, which advocates preserving the battle site against potential development. Jones and his team have found hundreds of pieces of ironwork--including axes, sword parts, and arrowheads--along with lumps of melted-down iron and the remains of smelting pits. "We found several ’smithing hearth bottoms’-- the remains of the molten metal which dribbles down during the reprocessing of the w
A. They recycle things that are discovered at the Viking settlements.
B. They are as rich, bloody and brawny as their Viking ancestors.
C. They may have inherited the recycling tradition from the Vikings.
D. They recycle the same things that the Vikings recycled.

更多"Passage Three Today’s rec"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three Today’s recyclers can now conceivably lay claim to a rich, bloody, brawny heritage, if a new Viking discovery is any indication. The famed Norse warriors, many of whom settled parts of eastern and northern England in the Middle Ages, recycled as they fought, new excavations in the United Kingdom suggest. An 11th-century metalworking site recently discovered in the city of York is likely evidence of a makeshift recycling center, where Vikings took weapons for reprocessing after battle, according to historian Charles Jones, organizer of the Fulford Battlefield Society, which advocates preserving the battle site against potential development. Jones and his team have found hundreds of pieces of ironwork--including axes, sword parts, and arrowheads--along with lumps of melted-down iron and the remains of smelting pits. "We found several ’smithing hearth bottoms’-- the remains of the molten metal which dribbles down during the reprocessing of the w
A. It was an ironwork recycling center far away from the battlefield.
B. Weapons and other utensils were reprocessed here by the Vikings.
C. Evidence shows that the weapons recycled here were left by the enemy in the battle.
D. The pieces of ironwork found in this site are being analyzed in order to know what exactly they were made of.

Passage Three

I can think of no better career for a young novelist than to for some years a sub-editor on a rather conservative newspaper. The man who was of chief importance to me in those days was the chief sub-editor, George Anderson. I hated him in my first week, but I grew almost to love him before three years had passed. A small elderly Scotsman with a flushed face and laconic humour, he drove a new sub-editor hard with his sarcasm. Sometimes I almost fancied myself back at school again, and I was always glad when five-thirty came, for immediately the clock marked the hour when the pubs opened, he would take his bowler hat from the coat-rack and disappear for thirty minutes to his favourite bar. His place would be taken by the gentle and courteous Colonel Maude. Maude was careful to see that the new recruit was given no story w
A. stand over them while they worked and make unpleasant remarks
B. go out for a drink and let them solve their own problems
C. provoke them into disliking him
D. use bitter humour to draw their attention to their mistakes

M: Mary, will you come over for tea at three today
W: I’m sorry, I won’t be able to, I’ll be out of town.

What will Mary do ( )
A. She will be out of town.
B. She will drink tea with the man.
C. She will stay at home.
[单项选择]Passage Three
How can a company improve its sales One of the keys to more effective selling is for a company to first decide on its "sales strategy." In other words, what is the role of the sales person Is the salesperson’s job narrative, suggestive, or consultative
The "narrative" sales strategy depends on the salesperson moving quickly into a standard sales presentation. His or her pitch highlights the benefits for the customer of a particular product or service. This approach is most effective for customers whose buying motives are basically the same and is also well suited to companies who have a large number of prospects (可能的主顾) on which to call.
The "suggestive" approach is tailored more for the individual customer. The salesperson must be in a position to offer alternative recommendations that meet a particular customer’s needs.
A. the former highlights the benefits while the latter emphasize the function of the product
B. the former uses more prepared information, the latter has to get ready for unexpected information
C. the former involves no discussion while the latter involves discussion a lot
D. the former is effective in creating demand, the latter is effective in satisfying existing demand

W: Good afternoon. This is Radio Today. Now we have Mr Miller here, who, with his colleagues, has recently made a survey on children’s attitudes to different jobs. Mr Miller, please. M: Thank you. W: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other people have a wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort of thing is very widespread M: Oh, absolute]y. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job-holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false images. And certainly, there is evidence that they may even avoid certain careers because they have a negative image. Well, on a large scale, as you can imagine, this could cause problem for whole sectors of the economy. W: Er, you say there’s evidence M: Oh, most definitely. There was a survey recently into children’s attitu

[单项选择]Passage Three Archaeology can tell us plenty about how humans looked and the way they lived tens of thousands of years ago. But what about the deeper questions Could early humans speak, were they capable of self-conscious reflection, did they believe in anything Such questions might seem to be beyond the scope of science. Not so. Answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. It aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. This is not easy to do. A skull gives no indication of whether its owner was capable of speech, for example. The task then is to find proxies (替代物) for key traits and behaviors that have stayed intact over millennia. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this endeavor is teasing out the role of culture as a force in the evolution of our mental skills. For decades, development of the brain has been seen as exclusively biological. But increasingly, that is being challenged. Take what the Cambridge ar
A. its cognitive development is extremely slow
B. to know its past is to understand its future
C. its biological evolution is hard to predict
D. as the brain develops, so as the mind


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