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发布时间:2024-09-17 00:23:41

[单项选择]TEXT A After breakfast the boys wandered out into the play-ground. Here the day-boys were gradually assembling. They were sons of the local clergy, of the officers at the Depot, and of such manufacturers or men of business as the old town possessed. Prese ntly a bell rang, and they all trooped into school. This consisted of a large, long room at opposite ends of whi ch two under masters conducted the second and third forms, and of a smaller one, leading out of it, used by Mr. Watson, who taught the first form. To attach the preparatory to the senior school these three classes were known officially, on speech days and in reports, as upper, middle, and lower second. Philip was put in the last. The master, a red-faced man with a pleasant voice, was called Rice; he had a jolly manner with boys, and the time passed quickly. Philip was surprised when it was quarter to eleven and they were let out for ten minutes’ rest. The whole school rushed noisily into the play-ground. Th
A. They continued with the game.
B. They stopped to make fun of him.
C. They changed to another game.
D. They stopped and went inside.

更多"TEXT A After breakfast the bo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]TEXT A After breakfast the boys wandered out into the play-ground. Here the day-boys were gradually assembling. They were sons of the local clergy, of the officers at the Depot, and of such manufacturers or men of business as the old town possessed. Prese ntly a bell rang, and they all trooped into school. This consisted of a large, long room at opposite ends of whi ch two under masters conducted the second and third forms, and of a smaller one, leading out of it, used by Mr. Watson, who taught the first form. To attach the preparatory to the senior school these three classes were known officially, on speech days and in reports, as upper, middle, and lower second. Philip was put in the last. The master, a red-faced man with a pleasant voice, was called Rice; he had a jolly manner with boys, and the time passed quickly. Philip was surprised when it was quarter to eleven and they were let out for ten minutes’ rest. The whole school rushed noisily into the play-ground. Th
A. some pupils came from the local area
B. the school only accepted day-boys
C. the school had only three classes
D. Philip’s class was part of the senior school
[单项选择] After he worked out the solution, ______ appeared a smile on his face.
A. it
B. here
C. what
D. there
[简答题]After he worked out the solution, _____ appeared a smile on his face.
A. A.it

[单项选择]Who was pregnant with three triplet boys after giving birth to twin girls
A. Matt and Christine.
B. Edward and Christine.
C. Matt and Mary.
D. John and Christine.
[单项选择]In 1974, after filling out fifty applications, going through four interviews, and winning one offer, I took what I could get—a teaching job at what I considered a distant wild area: western New Jersey. My characteristic optimism was alive only when I reminded myself that I would be doing what I had wanted to do since I was fourteen—teaching English. School started, but I felt more and more as if I were in a foreign country. Was this rural area really New Jersey My students took a week off when hunting season began. I was told they were also frequently absent in late October to help their fathers make hay on the farms. I was a young woman from New York City, who thought that “Make hay while the sun shines” just meant to have a good time. But, still, I was teaching English. I worked hard, taking time off only to eat and sleep. And then there was my sixth-grade class—seventeen boys and five girls who were only six years younger than me. I had a problem long before I knew it.
A. the writer became an optimistic person
B. the writer was very happy about her new job
C. it was rather difficult to get a job in the USA
D. it was easy to get a teaching job in New Jersey
[填空题]After the earthquake, the text messages came streaming in to 4636 - reports of trapped people, fires, polluted water sources, and requests for food, water and medical supplies. Hundreds of volunteers translated them from Creole and French into English, tagged them with a location and passed them on to aid agencies on the ground. Yet not one of the volunteers was anywhere near Haiti.
The 4636 texting service is part of a new generation of web-based efforts to help disaster relief that has emerged from the revolution in texting, social networking and crowdsourcing. Its impact on the ground is tangible (确凿的). For example, a Haitian clinic texted 4636 that it was running low on fuel for its generator. Within 20 minutes the Red Cross said it would resupply.
4636 is run by a small organization called Ushahidi.com, originally set up in Kenya to gather reports of violence after the 2008 election. Within days of the earthquake on 12 January that flattened Haiti’s capital Port-au-P
[填空题]After work the Chinese usually go out drinking to have a rest.



After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a (26) for words How can she (27) the names of a couple they met on (28) years ago Now we know (29) to tell him: it’s her brain.Although there are obviously cultural (30) for the differences in emotions and behavior, (31) breakthrough research reveals that the (32) of many puzzling differences between men and women may (33) in the head. Men’s and women’s brains (34) much in common, but they are definitely not the same (35) size, structure or insight. Broadly speaking, a woman’s brain, like her body, is ten to fifteen per cent smaller than a man’s, (36) the regions dedicated to language may be more densely (37) with brain ceils.
Girls generally speak earlier and read faster. The reason may be (38) females u
A. recall
B. understand
C. realize
D. perceive


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