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发布时间:2024-02-01 22:13:34

[填空题]Type 2 diabetes only occur in adults while Type 1 diabetes may occur in children.

更多"Type 2 diabetes only occur in adult"的相关试题:

A Adults do not gain fat cells.
B Diabetes is not a permanent problem for a person.
C Low self-esteem is a major problem.
D Being obese is generally considered to be partly genetic.
E Messages about food requirement go from the stomach to the brain instantly.
F Parents should take the lead by buying healthy foods.
G Performing liposuction on children is a good idea.
H Some young children appear overweight when they are short.

[填空题]Major depressions seem to occur only to people who have a family history of depression.
[简答题]While many technological advances occur in an evolutionary manner, occasionally a revolutionary technological appears on the horizon that creates startling new conditions and profound changes. Such is the case with the privately developed Moller Skycar, which is named after its inventor. With his permission, I would like to discuss the military potential of this vehicle. The ruggedized Moller Skycar variant the military is evaluating is called the light aerial multipurpose vehicle, or LAMV (pronounced "lam-vee").
The LAMV is a vertical take-off and landing aircraft that can fly in a quick, quiet, and agile manner. 2. It is a new type of vehicle that combines the speed of an airplane and the vertical take-off capability of a helicopter with some characteristics of a ground vehicle, but without the limitations of any of those existing modes of transportation.
The LAMV is not operated like traditional fixed—or rotary-wing aircraft.
[单项选择]I can only stay here for a while, but I’ll come again in () days.
A. a few
B. few
C. little
D. little
[单项选择]When do hurricanes occur
A. Early spring.
B. The second half of each year.
C. Late summer.
D. The middle of the year.
[单项选择]When does dreaming occur
A. During passive sleep.
B. During active sleep
C. Between passive sleep and active sleep
D. After active sleep.

Many residential burglaries occur because of widespread misconceptions. For example, while people typically worry about nighttime thefts, almost half of residential break-ins happen during the day, when homes are vacant because owners are working. Moreover, robbing a house probably takes less time than many people think. "Most burglars get in and out in less than ten minutes," says Jean O’ Nell, director of research and policy at the National Crime Prevention Council in Washington, D.C. And thieves are well aware that, even for properties with sophisticated security systems, time is on their side. Police can take five to 45 minutes to respond to an alarm or call, especially in rural or suburban areas where they may have considerable distance to cover.
To protect your home, you have to lock doors and windows when you go out, even if you’re just going out to walk the dog or have a quick chat with a neighbor down the streets. It’s easy to get side
A. People do not lock their doors when they pop out even for 5 minutes.
B. The security systems in their house are not sophisticated enough.
C. People have formed a wrong opinion of burglars’ robbing habits.
D. People are somewhat careless about the security systems in their home.


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