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发布时间:2023-10-21 10:16:47

[简答题]emergency exit

更多"emergency exit"的相关试题:

[填空题]Which can be used as emergency exit The right hand ______.
[单项选择]EMERGENCY EXIT ONLYA. You only have to get in.B. You have to go out that way even if there is no emergency.C. You aren’t allowed to go out that way except emergency.

What’s the new emergency
[填空题]Sannich Emergency Program coordinator says the effort ______ was remarkable.
[单项选择]IN 2005 Congress considered an emergency spending bill that designated $81 billion for military spending and Asian tsunami relief. It passed easily. A politician would have to be mighty confident to vote against humanitarian aid and supporting the troops.
But complaints have steadily grown about a law that came with the spending bill. The Real ID Act of 2005 established national standards for driving licences. By 2008, it said, every state would have to make sure its licences included "physical security features" and "a common machine readable technology". A state would be responsible for verifying that anyone applying for licences is in America legally. Only licences that met the new standards would be accepted by the federal government. An American who wanted to fly commercially, or do anything else for which he needed to identify himself, would end up in a queue at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The idea was to make life harder for would-be terrorists. But the scheme wi
A. financial support to the construction of international aid groups.
B. an act that has brought to great disputes among different states.
C. prohibitions of US citizens to take commercial flights.
D. against humanitarian aid to countries that were attacked by the Asian tsunami.
[填空题]Efficient accident and emergency services are essential, ______(不仅在抢救生命方面) but in preventing holdups.

Minor Chemical Spills

Certain experiments require the handling of hazardous chemicals and materials. Please be familiar with the following emergency procedures.
GET AWAY. Extinguish any ignition sources (burners, appliances, etc.) and move to a safe distance.
2. DETERMINE the substance spilled, extent of the spill and degree of hazard. Block off the area.
3. GET HELP. if the spill cannot be handled safely using the equipment and personnel present, activate fire alarm and call 911 for emergency assistance and Security at 777.
4. ASSESS INJURIES. If anyone is injured, call 911.
5. CLEAN UP SPILLWITH PROPER EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. Select proper personal protective equipment and clean-up materials for the spill. Place contaminated materials in a container designated for hazardous waste.
6. DISPOSAL. Contact Environmental Health and Safety personnel.
A. In a restaurant kitchen
B. In a health food store
C. In a laboratory
D. In a garage
Passage One
The current emergency in Mexico City that has taken over our lives is nothing I could ever have imagined for me or my children. We are living in an environmental crisis, an air-pollution emergency of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to breathe here is to play a dangerous game with your health.
As parents, what terrorizes us most are reports that children are at higher risk because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves Our pediatrician’s (儿科医师的) medical recommendation was simple: abandon the city permanently.
We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We are here because of my husband’s work. We are fascinated by Mexico--its history and rich culture. We know that for us, this is a temporary danger. However, we can
A. describe the harmful air-pollution
B. explain the way to prevent air-pollution
C. show the worries about the air-pollution
D. recommend a method to avoid air-pollution


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