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发布时间:2023-10-22 17:40:58

[简答题]Translate the following paragraph into English (5 marks) 一些澳大利亚土著(indigenous Australian)抗议者周五连续第二日成为头条新闻,他们聚集在澳大利亚议会外,并放火焚烧了国旗。此举的前一天,愤怒的抗议者包围了举行午餐仪式的建筑,保安人员从一家堪培拉餐厅拖出了朱莉娅吉拉德(Julia Gillard)总理。原住民领袖批评这些人的行动,说他们危害了让澳大利亚土著与更广泛的社会协调的努力。澳大利亚广播公司网站上的视频显示,在堪培拉议会外的抗议者围成一圈,点燃了澳大利亚国旗,并高呼,“这里始终是也将永远是原住民的土地。”

更多"Translate the following paragraph i"的相关试题:

[简答题]Translate the following paragraph into Chinese (5 marks) As we knelt on the cold ground and worked the soil, gently introducing the plants and bulbs to their new home, we alternately chattered and giggled and remembered quietly. We planted the flowers in a heart shape, sketched out in the snow by Matsumarasan(松村女士). I tried to imagine what it must feel like to be her. To be kneeling on the ground that you once called home, now empty and exposed. What it must feel like to look at your home town and see most of it destroyed. Only memories remain.
[简答题]i. Translate the following into English(10 points)家外之家

Study the following paragraph carefully and write a letter in at least 100 words.
On September 9, 2004, Li Jin who is a student of Tsinghua University posed an offer to the Office of Graduate Admissions of Boston University. As an officer in it, you should write back to him.

[单项选择]Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. Topic Sentence:( )The first electronic computer, ENIAC, went into operation just over fifty years ago. Compared with today’s home computer, ENIAC was enormous, consisting of forty panels, each two feet wide and four feet deep. Today’s PC or Macintosh, by contrast, can fit on one’s desk or even lap. ENIAC had to be configured by hand, with its programmers taking up to two days to reset switches and cables. Today, the average home user can change programs in an instant. And for all its size and inconvenience, ENIAC was slow. In its time, its operating speed of 100,000 pulses per second seemed amazingly fast. However, today’s home machine can operate at 1 billion pulses per second or faster.
A. ENIAC came into being about 50 years ago.
B. ENIAC was huge in size, and inconvenient to use.
C. ENIAC differed from today’s home computer greatly.
D. ENIAC operated at a much slower speed compared with today’s home computer.
[简答题]Read the following paragraph carefully and choose the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph by writing A, B, C or D. Since there are more than 80 million current and former smokers in the United States, a widespread CT scanning program of at-risk individuals would De enormously costly. Low-dose CT scans also expose patients to considerably more radiation than standard chest X-rays do, and little is known about how the cumulative risks of years of such scans would balance out with the benefits of the information they provide. Also, more scans would also mean more false positive results, leading to more additional tests and surgical procedures performed on people who do not turn out to have any disease, further complicating the picture.A. CT scans should be improved in more than one way.B. CT scans can be very costly in the United States.C. CT scans may not present clear picture for patients and doctors.D. There are disadvantages in using CT scans
[多项选择]Translate the following passage into English: (60 points) 韶关市地处粤北山区,与湖南、江西交界,素有“三省通衢”之誉,是古代岭南通往中原的最重要关口,今天更是广东通往内地的交通枢纽——京广铁路、京珠高速公路、国道105线、106线、107线、323线、在建的武广铁路、规划中的韶赣铁路、广乐高速公路和韶赣高速公路均经过韶关。韶关还拥有丰富的土地、矿产、动植物、旅游和水资源。这些都为韶关的协调和可持续发展奠定了坚实的物质基础。 改革开放以来,韶关城乡面貌发生了举世瞩目的变化。随着珠江三角洲的产业升级转型,越来越多的企业家将目光投向韶关市——一个拥有巨大发展优势和发展前景的理想地。
[简答题]i. Translate the following sentences into English(10 points)餐厅经营是整个饭店系统中各个部分组成的综合性活动。


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