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发布时间:2024-01-08 19:40:38

[简答题]II. (Economic Law) Consider first shareholders’ voting rights. As a matter of law these are severely limited in scope, principally to the right to elect and remove directors. Shareholders have no right to select the company’s CEO; they cannot require the company to pay them a single penny in dividends; they cannot vote to change or preserve the company’s line of business; they cannot stop directors from squandering revenues on employee raises, charitable contributions, or executive jets; and they cannot vote to sell the company’s assets or the company itself (although they may in some cases vote to veto a sale or merger proposed by the board). The rules of voting procedure further limit exercise of the shareholder franchise. Delaware law, for example, presumes only directors have authority to call a special shareholders’ meeting, and shareholders who wait for the regularly scheduled annual meeting to try to elect or remove directors usually must pay to solicit proxies. Finally an
A. A.Shareholders have no right to elect and remove directors.
B.Shareholders can require the company to pay them dividends.
C.Shareholders cannot change the line of business of the company.
D.Shareholders cannot call a special shareholders’ meeting.

更多"II. (Economic Law) Consider f"的相关试题:

[简答题]II. (Economic Law) Consider first shareholders’ voting rights. As a matter of law these are severely limited in scope, principally to the right to elect and remove directors. Shareholders have no right to select the company’s CEO; they cannot require the company to pay them a single penny in dividends; they cannot vote to change or preserve the company’s line of business; they cannot stop directors from squandering revenues on employee raises, charitable contributions, or executive jets; and they cannot vote to sell the company’s assets or the company itself (although they may in some cases vote to veto a sale or merger proposed by the board). The rules of voting procedure further limit exercise of the shareholder franchise. Delaware law, for example, presumes only directors have authority to call a special shareholders’ meeting, and shareholders who wait for the regularly scheduled annual meeting to try to elect or remove directors usually must pay to solicit proxies. Finally an
A. A.Shareholders in a public company have no power at all.
B.Someone wants the managerial power to be legitimate.
C.The shareholder voting is a ceremony for a company.
D.Shareholders’ voting in a public company has no substantive meaning.

[填空题] The first copyright law in the United States was passed by Congress in1790. .In1976 Congress enacted the latest copyright law, __(26) __ the technological developments that had occurred since the passage of the Copyright Act of 1909. For example,in 1909,anyone who wanted to make a single copy of a __(27) __ work for personal use had to do so by hand.The very process__(28) __ a limitation on the quantity of materials copied. Today, a photocopier can do the work in seconds; the limitation has diasppeared. The 1909 law did not provide full protection for films and suond recording,nor did it__(29) __ the need to protect radio and television. As a result,__(30) __ of the law and abuese of the intent of the law have lessened the__(31) __ rewards of authors,artises,and producers.The 1976 Copyright Act has not prevented these abuses fully, but it has clarified the legal rights of the injured parties and given them an__(32) __ for remedy. since 1976 the Act has been__(33) __ to
[单项选择]Customers consider location as the first factor when ______ a decision about buying a house.
A. make B. made
C. to make D. making
[单项选择]Why did the Centre first consider relocating
A. It had sufficient capital to build its own premises.
B. The lease on its premises was due to expire.
C. It had outgrown its original premises.
[单项选择]Which country first passed the law banning human cloning
A. The United States.
B. The United Kingdom.
C. Switzerland.
D. Russia.
[简答题]Tariq, Jamal and Ali are the only three shareholders of Magic Carpets (Private) Limited (‘MCPL’). They were elected as the directors of MCPL at the annual general meeting held in October 2008. Tariq resigned as director in November 2009. At a recent meeting of the board of directors, Jamal proposed that Qasim should be appointed as a director in place of Tariq for a period of six months. Ali opposed this proposal stating that he thinks that under the law they cannot appoint a replacement director. Required: With reference to the Companies Ordinance, 1984, advise the board of directors on whether Qasim may be appointed as a replacement director of MCPL. (10 marks)
[单项选择] When student complete a first draft, they consider die job of writing done — and their teachers too often agree. When professional writers complete a first draft, they usually feel that they are at the start of the writing process. When a draft is completed, the job of writing can begin. That difference in attitude is the difference between amateur and professional, inex perience and experience, journeyman and draftsman. Peter F. Drucker, the prolific (高产的) business writer, calls his first draft "the zero draft" —after that he can start counting. Most writers share the feeling mat the first draft, and all of those which follow, are opportunities to discover what they have to say and how best they can say it. To produce a progression of drafts, each of which says more and says it more clearly, the writer has to develop a special kind of reading skill. In school we are taught to decode what appears on the page as finished writing. Writers, however, face a different category
A. Because he does not like his own work.
B. Because he feels writing is dreadful.
C. Because he is a person of principle.
D. Because he needs to detach himself from his own work.


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