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发布时间:2023-10-17 21:51:50

What determined the interest on the loans
A. The distance the merchandise had to be transported.
B. The number of insurance companies available at the time.
C. The risk involved in transporting the goods.
D. The type of ships used to transport the goods.

更多"What determined the interest on the"的相关试题:

[判断题]Inflation has made the interest on housing loans 18% higher than before.
[单项选择]An analyst determined that if interest rates increase 120 basis points the price of a bond would be $89.7, but if interest rate decreases 120 basic points the price that bond would he $99.3. If the initial price of the bond is $95.4, the approximate percentage price change for a 100 basis point change in yield is closest to:()
A. 2.5%.
B. 4.2%.
C. 8.4%.
[填空题]They are determined to strike regardless of what the law says.
[单项选择]What determined the shape of the snowflakes
A. The shape of dust particles in the air.
B. The relative humidity.
C. The temperature of the air.
D. The geography of the area.
[单项选择]What was Wilt Chamberlain determined to do before he retired
A. To break the previous records.
B. To buy a luxury house.
C. To win one more championship for his team.
D. To play against the New York team once again.

What made him determined to go into British politics
A. War.
B. Music.
C. Passion.
D. Family.
[填空题]What caused the parents’ increasing interest in the techniques of raising child

[单项选择]What are the students from Sri Lanka most interested in according to Bob
A. Accountancy and computing.
B. Business and finance.
C. Law and business.
D. Architecture and engineering:
[单项选择]What interest rate did the man’s investment receive this year
[单项选择]–You seem to show interest in cooking. -- What ________ I’m getting tired of it.
A. On the contrary
B. To the contrary
C. On the other hand
D. To the other hand
[多项选择]PART 1
·What wild animals do you find most interesting Why
[简答题]A: What’s the reason and disadvantage of interest rate increase
·The People’s Bank of China failed to curb over-investment in such sectors as steel, property, cement and aluminum by other means, it would resort to rate increases.
·Interest rate increases would lure even more overseas capital into China.
B: What is important when aiming to improve production quality
·Up-to-date equipment
·Staff training
C: What is important when aiming to improve customer service
·Staff Training
·Customer Satisfaction Surveys
[单项选择]A. To find out what his interest is.
B. To encourage him to try out for a college newsletter.
C. To help him choose an out-of-class activities.
D. To talk about the articles he wrote in his journalism class.


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