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发布时间:2023-11-14 22:20:34

[填空题]Diseases can be prevented by means of vaccination or ____________________.

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[填空题]Diseases can be prevented by means of vaccination or ______.
[单项选择]Passage 2
Most injures can be prevented, provided a parent goes about it the right way.
Mr. Grant was a skilled and capable surgeon. His wife--intelligent, charming and a qualified nurse--had suggested they see me about their 16-month-old son, Neville.
Mrs. Grant spoke first. "We’re both professional people, and I guess we’re supposed to know more than most people. It hurts us to admit our little Neville is such a problem."
"He’s all over the house, climbing, handling things he’s not supposed to be touching," Mr. Grant interrupted, "and we’re afraid he’ll badly injure himself and it’ll be our fault."
"Does he have some understanding of the word ’ no’," I asked…
"That’s just it, we can’t be sure if he has or not. Sometimes he seems to understand, but at other times he just doesn’t seem to mind when we say ’no’," the father
A. how the Grants worry about their 16-month-old son, Neville
B. how to teach a child to understand the word "no"
C. how to prevent a child from injuring himself
D. the natural behaviors of a child
[单项选择]Most injures can be prevented, provided a parent goes about it the right way.
Mr. Grant was a skilled and capable surgeon. His wife--intelligent, charming and a qualified nurse--had suggested they see me about their 16-month-old son, Neville.
Mrs. Grant spoke first. "We’re both professional people, and I guess we’re supposed to know more than most people. It hurts us to admit our little Neville is such a problem."
"He’s all over the house, climbing, handling things he’s not supposed to be touching," Mr. Grant interrupted, "and we’re afraid he’ll badly injure himself and it’ll be our fault."
"Does he have some understanding of the word ’ no’," I asked…
"That’s just it, we can’t be sure if he has or not. Sometimes he seems to understand, but at other times he just doesn’t seem to mind when we say ’no’," the father replied.
"Teaching a child the meaning of the word ’no’ can be crucial in preventing accidents. Unless your Neville can understand the true meanin
A. how the Grants worry about their 16-month-old son, Neville
B. how to teach a child to understand the word "no"
C. how to prevent a child from injuring himself
D. the natural behaviors of a child
[单项选择]Diseases have diverse causes, which can be classified into two broad groups: infectious and noninfectious. Infectious diseases can spread from one person to another and are caused by microscopic (极小的) organisms that invade the body. Noninfectious diseases are not communicated from person to person and do not have, or are not known to involve, infectious agents. Some diseases, such as the common cold, are acute, coming on suddenly and lasting for no more than a few weeks. Other diseases, such as arthritis (关节炎), are chronic (长期的), persisting for months or years, or recurring (复发) frequently.
Every disease has certain characteristic effects on the body. Some of these effects, called symptoms and signs, include fever, inflammation, pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and rashes, and are readily apparent to the patient. These symptoms offer important clues that help physicians and other health care professionals make a diagnosis. Many times, however, the symptoms point to several possib
A. The classification of diseases.
B. The causes of diseases.
C. The diverse diseases.
D. The diseases’ classification and causes.
[填空题]Scientists can predict earthquakes by means of paying attention to places where pieces of the earth’ s surface meet or by ______.


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