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发布时间:2024-07-27 06:33:12

[单项选择]Unless the application of a new discovery is clear and present, most are dubious of its value.()
A. 除非新发明的应用立即收到实效,否则其价值将成为最可疑的。
B. 如果新发明不能立即收到实效的话,那么其价值会是最可疑的。
C. 一种新发明的应用如果不能立即收到实效的话,大多数人就会怀疑它的价值。
D. 如果新发明立即收到实效的话,那么其价值会是最可疑的。

更多"Unless the application of a new dis"的相关试题:

[填空题]Unless a new assemble line is installed,__________________(否则提高产量是不可能的).

[单项选择]The discovery of new oil fields in various parts of the country filled the government with_________hope.
A. eternal
B. infinite
C. ceaseless
D. everlasting
[单项选择]The application of our new insights into the Amazonian past would A warn us against allowing any development at all. B cause further suffering to the Indian communities. C change present policies on development in the region. D reduce the amount of hunting, fishing, and ’slash-and-burn’.
[简答题]Just like the work of Einstein, the new discovery _______________ (对于人类必定大有用处).

[填空题]The discovery of sulfa drugs, like the discovery of penicillin ______ (come) out by accident.
[单项选择]Passage Three
The discovery of the Antarctic not only proved one of the most interesting of all geographical adventures, but created what might be called "the heroic age of Antarctic exploration". By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shackleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing. Modern science and inventions are revolutionizing the techniques of former explorers, and, although still calling for courage and feats of endurance, future journeys into these icy wastes will probably depend on motor vehicles equipped with caterpillar traction rather than on the dogs that earlier discoverers found so invaluable.
Few realize that this Antarctic continent is almost equal in size to South America, and enormous field of work awaits geog
A. About 100 years ago.
B. In this century.
C. At the beginning of the 19th century.
D. In 1798.
[单项选择]What important discovery about seismic waves does the instructor mention
A. They occur at regular intervals.
B. They can withstand great heat.
C. They travel through the Earth’s interior.
D. They can record the Earth’s internal temperature.

1 The discovery of freezing has changed our eating habits more than any other related invention. Because many foods contain large amounts of water, they freeze solidly at or just below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. When we lower the temperature to well below the freezing point and prevent air from penetrating the food, we retard the natural process of decay that causes food to spoil. Freezing preserves the flavor and nutrients of food better than any other preservation method. When properly prepared and packed, foods and vegetables can be stored in the freezer for one year.
2 Most vegetables and some fruits need blanching before they are frozen, and to avoid this step would be an expensive mistake. The result would be a product largely devoid of vitamins and minerals. Proper blanching curtails the enzyme action, which vegetables require during their growth and ripening but which continues after maturation and w
A. To state that blanching is expensive but very effective
B. To warn that not blanching will harm the food’s nutritional value
C. To emphasize the importance of blanching only a few items at a time
D. To show that many people waste food by blanching improperly
[单项选择]An accidental discovery has brought seismologists(地震学家) one step closer to being able to predict earthquakes. As part of an unrelated effort to measure underground changes caused by shifts in barometric pressure (大气压力), a team of researchers found that increases in subterranean pressure(地下压力) preceded earthquakes along California’s San Andreas Fault(断层) by as much as 10 hours. If follow-up tests advance the findings, seismologists may eventually be able to provide a few hours’ notice for people to find safe places prior to quakes.
Researchers used a high-tech equivalent of a stereo speaker lowered into a bore hole near Parkfield, Calif., a half-mile deep and five yards from a measuring device. For two months beginning in late 2005, researchers transmitted pulse signals three times per second, from the speaker to the measuring device, calculating travel time between the two stations. Surprised scientists learned the seismic waves slowed dramatically on only two occasions: two hours


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