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发布时间:2024-07-31 04:17:57


Conversation 1
W: Excuse me, sir. Do all the suitcases come here
M: Yes, they do. Can I help you
W: I’ ve been waiting for my baggage for 50 minutes. And I only have a few minutes left to catch another plane to Kansas City.
M: Do you have your baggage claim check
W: Yes, I do.
M: Let me see. Please wait a minute and I’ ll try to find them.
W: Thanks, but please hurry.
M: Sorry to keep you waiting, I’ ve located your baggage. Your suitcases were left behind in Paris this morning and won’ t arrive in New York until later this evening.
W: Oh, that’ s terrible. Now I’ ve missed my plane and my brother will be waiting for me at the airport in Kansas City at 10:30 tonight.
M: We regret this inconvenience. The airline will pay all expenses for you to stay in a hotel in New York tonight. You can get a flight to Kansas City tomorrow morning.
W: Thank you.<
A. She would leave for Paris.
B. She would leave for New York.
C. She would leave for Kansas City.
D. She would leave for London.

更多"Conversation 1 W: Excuse me, sir."的相关试题:


Conversation 1
W: Excuse me, sir. Do all the suitcases come here
M: Yes, they do. Can I help you
W: I’ ve been waiting for my baggage for 50 minutes. And I only have a few minutes left to catch another plane to Kansas City.
M: Do you have your baggage claim check
W: Yes, I do.
M: Let me see. Please wait a minute and I’ ll try to find them.
W: Thanks, but please hurry.
M: Sorry to keep you waiting, I’ ve located your baggage. Your suitcases were left behind in Paris this morning and won’ t arrive in New York until later this evening.
W: Oh, that’ s terrible. Now I’ ve missed my plane and my brother will be waiting for me at the airport in Kansas City at 10:30 tonight.
M: We regret this inconvenience. The airline will pay all expenses for you to stay in a hotel in New York tonight. You can get a flight to Kansas City tomorrow morning.
W: Thank you.<
A. She was waiting for the next flight.
B. She was waiting for her baggage.
C. She was waiting for" her brother.
D. She was waiting for her friends.


Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Excuse me. I need to find out where the city center is.
W: Ah well, let me see ... You turn left and then go straight on.
M: Ah left, thank you. Er ... I wonder if you. could tell me whether there’s a museum somewhere in the city.
W: Well, it’s further down the city center. You go across the bridge and it’s on the other side of the river.
M: I see. Could you tell me a bit more about it
W: I’m not really sure. I’ve never been there myself. I think it’s quite interesting.
M: Worth visiting, you think
W: Well, it’s one of the tourist attractions of the city.
M: I see. Thank you very much.

Who do you think the man is()
A. A native of the city.
B. A stranger to the place.
C. A visitor to the woman’s family.
D. An old friend of the woman.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Excuse me. Is this seat taken
M: No. it’s not taken.
W: Oh. thank you.
M: Oh. let me help you with this.
W: Oh. thank you.
M: Do you want to sit by the window
W: No. no. no. I like the aisle seat better. You can sit by the window.
M: My name is Mike Gerard Hogan. Pleased to meet you.
W: I’m Elsa Tobin. How do you do
M: Do you live in New York
W: No. no. I’m from Florida.
M: I am, too. But didn’t you just get on
W: No, no. I just changed my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me.

What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Strangers.
B. Friends.
C. Relatives.
D. Coworkers.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
M: Excuse me, have you seen my little grey dog as you were walking through the park
W: No, but I’ll look before I leave. What’s her name
M: Her name Actually, I call her Cinders because of her black color.
W: Why isn’t she on a leash
M: She saw a monkey and broke away before I could catch her.
W: Is she afraid of a monkey
M: Yes, because the big monkey is running after her.
W: I see now.

Where does the conversation most likely take place()
A. In the park.
B. In the zoo.
C. At the office.
D. At hom

Conversation 1
M: Excuse me, Miss.
W: Yes, young man. May I help you
M: Yes, I’d like to get some information about the summer course at the English Training Center.
W: Sure. What can I tell you
M: Can you tell me the starting and finishing time of the course, please
W: Yes. The course begins on July 15 and runs until August 20.
M: Right, and what course will we learn
W: Well, you have varieties of courses. You have listening and speaking courses, reading and writing. There are also classes in audio-visual training and chances to use the language laboratory as well.
M: That’s OK. Well, thank you anyway, Miss.

What does the man want to learn()
A. Computer science.
B. Medicine.
C. English.
D. Skills, such as cookin

Conversation 1
M: Excuse me, I’d like to go to the Post Office, but I don’t know how to use this ticket machine.
W: Well, just press this button. It is 2 dollars.
M: Thanks.
W: The train is coming soon. Please wait a moment,
M: All right. How often do the trains come at this time of the day
W: Usually it comes about every six minutes.
M: OK, and where should I get off
W: Just get off at the Post Office Station. That’s five stops from here.
M: I’ve got it. Thanks for your help.
W: You are welcome.

Where does the man want to go()
A. To the Post Office.
B. To the History Museum.
C. To the Art Museum,
D. To the Space Museum.

Conversation 1
M: (6) Excuse me, I need to find out where the city centre is.
W: Ah well, let me see... you turn left and then go straight on.
M: Ah left, thank you. Er... I wonder if you could tell me whether there’s a museum somewhere in the city.
W: Well, it’s further down the city centre. You go across the bridge and it’s on the other side of the river.
M: I see. Could you tell me a bit more about it
W: I’m not really sure. I’ve never been there myself. I think it’s quite interesting.
M: (7) Worth visiting, you think
W: (7) Well, it’s one of the tourist attractions of the city.
M: I see. Thank you very much.

Who do you think the man is()
A. A native of the city.
B. A stranger to the place.
C. A visitor to the woman’s family.
D. An old friend of the woman.

W: Excuse me, sir. Do all the suitcases come here
M: Yes, they do. Can I help you
W: I’ve been waiting for my baggage for 50 minutes. And I only have a few minutes left to catch another plane to Kansas City.
M: Do you have your baggage claim cheek
W: Yes, I do.
M: Let me see. Please wait a minute and I’ll try to find them.
W: Thanks, but please hurry.
M: Sorry to keep you waiting, I’ve located your baggage. Your suitcases were left behind in Paris this morning and won’ t an ire in New York until later this evening.
W: Oh, that’ s terrible. Now I’ ve missed my plane and my brother will be waiting for me at the airport in Kansas City at 10:30 tonight.
M: We regret this inconvenience. The airline will pay all expenses for you to stay in a hotel in New York tonight. You can get a flight to Kansas City tomorrow morning.
W: Thank you.

What would the
A. She would have to stay in New York for a night.
B. She would have to leave soon since her brother was waiting for her,
C. She would have to take the next flight to Paris.
D. She would have to fly to Kansas City to fetch her baggage.


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