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发布时间:2024-07-31 05:32:02

[填空题]I’m busy getting the computer (fix) ______.

更多"I’m busy getting the computer (fix)"的相关试题:

[填空题]I’m sorry I am very busy now. If I had time, I (come) ______ to see you.
[单项选择]A. I’m busy. B. Tomorrow evening.
C. Why do you say so D. Good idea.

M: Sorry, madam. I’m afraid Diana is busy the whole afternoon.
W: But Diana always does my hair.

What does the woman imply ()
A. She is busy at the moment.
B. She is Diana’s friend.
C. She has an appointment with Diana.
D. She wants Diana to do her hair.
[填空题]I’’d love to go with you, but I’’m busy (prepare) ______ for the coming examination.
[填空题]I’m very busy (prepare) ______ for the examination now.

M: I am afraid John is busy at the moment, madam.
W: Oh, dear. John always does my hair.

What do we know about John ()
A. John is a close friend of the woman’ s.
B. John is the best hairdresser in town.
C. John is a hairdresser.
D. John often helps the woman.
[填空题]Please don’t disturb me, for I’m busy (do) ______ my homework.
[单项选择]---Hi, let’s go skating. --- Sorry, I’m busy right now. I _________ in an application form for a new job.
A. fill
B. have filled
C. am filling
D. will fill
[填空题]I was extremely busy that day, otherwise I (attend)()the interesting lecture on history given by professor Smith.
[填空题]I was so busy yesterday that I forgot (call) ______ you.
One busy day, I was racing around trying to get too much done, and I exclaimed to my three kids in the car, "We can get both things done and kill two birds with one stone!" My daughter Annie quietly suggested, "You mean feed two birds with one crumb, Mom, don’t you" I stopped short, realizing how steeped my language is in the culture of war. I had used "weapon" language without even knowing it. I was embarrassed and yet felt a grace: if a child can become conscious of using a new language of peace, then there is hope.
Think about the business language: strategies, bullets, high-caliber, power point; about win-lose sports language like "decimate", "attack", "destroy the other team", not to mention the movies and video games that simulate the most gruesome annihilations over and over. The lies of propaganda, one-sided media coverage,
A. peace is the only way to achieve our human potential
B. peace is a human right and can not be deprived of
C. without peace, all other human rights are illusory
D. they should lead the faithful away from extremes


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