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发布时间:2023-10-14 22:00:44

[单项选择]Marlborough City Mayor Blair Haysworth announced yesterday that the annual MarlboroughA. take
B. took
C. taken
D. taking

更多"Marlborough City Mayor Blair Hayswo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Marlborough City Mayor Blair Haysworth announced yesterday that the annual MarlboroughA. enthusiastic
B. attractive
C. affordable
D. obscure
[单项选择]More than a year ago, the city announced that police would crack down on illegally parked cars and that resources would be diverted from writing speeding tickets to ticketing illegally parked cars. But no crackdown has taken place. The police chief claims that resources have had to be diverted from writing speeding tickets to combating the city’s staggering drug problem. Yet the police are still writing as many speeding tickets as ever. Therefore, the excuse about resources being tied up in fighting drug-related crime simply is not true.
The conclusion in the passage depends on the assumption that
A. every member of the police force is qualified to work on combating the city’s drug problem.
B. drug-related crime is not as serious a problem for the city as the police chief claims it is.
C. writing speeding tickets should be as important a priority for the city as combating drug-related crime.
D. the police could be cracking down on illegally parked cars and combating the drug problem without having to reduce writing speeding tickets.
E. (E) the police cannot continue writing as many speeding tickets as ever while diverting resources to combating drugrelated crime.
[单项选择]What is being announced
A. The creation of a new computer company
B. ATV program about wild animals
C. A new device for home computing
D. The building of a hi-tech house
[单项选择]Daniel Blair recently joined an investment club with several of his coworkers. Members of the club are generally quite conservative and are unwilling to invest in debt securities with credit ratings below AA. New investments are always evaluated in the context of the overall portfolio. Based on the attributes of the investment club members, they will most likely pursue an investment strategy that:()
A. attempts to reduce a portfolio’s standard deviation through diversification. 
B. seeks the lowest risk securities. 
C. tries to totally eliminate systematic risk.
[单项选择]Since Mayor Drabble always repays her political debts as soon as possible, she will almost certainly appoint Lee to be the new head of the arts commission. Lee has wanted that job for a long time, and Drabble owes Lee a lot for his support in the last election.
Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends
A. Mayor Drabble has no political debt that is both of longer standing than the one she owes to Lee and could as suitable be repaid by an appointment to be the new head of the arts commission.
B. There is no one to whom Mayor Drabble owes a greater political debt for support in the last election than the political debt she owes to Lee.
C. Lee is the only person to whom Mayor Drabble owes a political debt who would be willing to accept an appointment from her as the new head of the arts commission.
D. Whether Lee is qualified to head the arts commission is irrelevant to Mayor Drabble’s decision.
E. (E) The only way that Mayor Drabble can adequately repay her political debt to Lee is by appointing him to head the arts commission.
[填空题]The mayor declares that the government will soon __________(实施婚姻法).

[单项选择]The mayor said that he would not attend the meeting himself, but his secretary would come instead.
A. 市长说他不能亲自来参加会议了,但他的秘书会代他来参加。
B. 市长说他不能来参加会议,但他让他的秘书代他来。
C. 市长说他的秘书将代他参加一个他不愿参加的会议。
D. 市长说他的秘书将取代他的职位来参加这个会议。
[单项选择]British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the electorate that guns would not be fired without an attempt to win a further U. N. sanction.
A. allies
B. delegates
C. voters
D. juries
[单项选择]Mayor Smith, one of our few government officials with a record of outspoken, informed, and consistent opposition to nuclear power plant construction projects, has now declared herself in favor of building the nuclear power plant at Littletown. If someone with her past antinuclear record now favors building this power plant, then there is good reason to believe that it will be safe and therefore should be built.
The argument is vulnerable to criticism on which one of the following grounds
A. It overlooks the possibility that not all those who fail to speak out on issues of nuclear power are necessarily opposed to it.
B. It assumes without warrant that the qualities enabling a person to be elected to public office confer on that person a grasp of the scientific principles on which technical decisions are based.
C. It fails to establish that a consistent and outspoken opposition is necessarily an informed opposition.
D. It leads to the further but unacceptable conclusion that any project favored by Mayor Smith should be sanctioned simply on the basis of her having spoken out in favor of it.
E. (E) It gives no indication of either the basis of Mayor Smith’s former opposition to nuclear power plant construction or the reasons for her support for the Littletown project.

For Tony Blair, home is a messy sort of place, where the prime minister’s job is not to uphold eternal values but to force through some unpopular changes that may make the country work a bit better. The area where this is most obvious, and where it matters most, is the public services. Mr Blair faces a difficulty here which is partly of his own making. By focusing his last election campaign on the need to improve hospitals, schools, transport and policing, he built up expectations. Mr Blair has said many times that reforms in the way the public services work need to go alongside increases in cash.
Mr Blair has made his task harder by committing a classic negotiating error. Instead of extracting concessions from the other side before promising his own, he has pledged himself to higher spending on public services without getting a commitment to change from the unions. Why, given that this pledge has been made, should the health unions give ground in return In a
A. similar.
B. dubious.
C. opposite.
D. identical.

[填空题]The mayor of a Spanish town once tried to use free air passage and housing to ________.

[单项选择]WonTech International announced today that its long-time chief of financial operations, Roger Mata, will be stepping down on Friday. Taking his place will be Maria Santos, the company’s current director of accounting. Later this week she will travel from her office in Sydney to corporate headquarters in Vancouver for high-level discussions with CEO Kenneth Song. Santos, a native of Cebu City, the second-largest city in the Philippines, has been with WonTech for just over ten years. Her colleagues report that her management style is friendly but firm, and she has earned an excellent reputation within the Sydney accounting office. She is also a generous supporter of the arts, and is known to patronize the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at least once a week. Santos will assume her new duties next Monday, and her replacement in Sydney, Kevin Bright, will be installed at the same time.
From: Evelyn Arnett
To: Maria Santos
Subject: Just read the news
Maria, what a terribly ple
A. Maria Santos
B. Kevin Bright
C. Roger Mata
D. Kenneth Song
[单项选择]Rabin announced new security measures on television ______.
A. after an emergency session of his inner security cabinet
B. before the emergency meeting
C. after two Arabs were shot dead
D. before two Israeli policemen were killed


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