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发布时间:2024-07-28 02:03:35


The difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who attempted to explore the Moon would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Jolmo Lungma. In two respects only would the lunar explorer have the advantage. In the first place movement would be less fatiguing because the gravitational pull of the Moon is not very great, the weight of the Moon being only about one - eightieth of that of the Earth. If the Moon had an atmosphere like that of the Earth, a man playing golf on the Moon would find that he could drive his ball for a mile without much difficulty. The second advantage the lunar explorer would have over the climbers on Mount Jolmo Lungma would be the absence of strong wind to contend against. The Moon having no atmosphere, there can be no wind nor, of course, can there be any noise, for sound is carried by the air. The Moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails.

A. less difficulties than Mount Jolmo Lungma climbers
B. more difficulties than Mount Jolmo Lungma climbers
C. greater difficulties than Mount Jotmo Lungma climbers
D. the same difficulties as Mount Jolmo Lungma climbers

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The difficulties that would have to be encountered by anyone who attempted to explore the Moon would be incomparably greater than those that have to be faced in the endeavor to reach the summit of Mount Jolmo Lungma. In two respects only would the lunar explorer have the advantage. In the first place movement would be less fatiguing because the gravitational pull of the Moon is not very great, the weight of the Moon being only about one - eightieth of that of the Earth. If the Moon had an atmosphere like that of the Earth, a man playing golf on the Moon would find that he could drive his ball for a mile without much difficulty. The second advantage the lunar explorer would have over the climbers on Mount Jolmo Lungma would be the absence of strong wind to contend against. The Moon having no atmosphere, there can be no wind nor, of course, can there be any noise, for sound is carried by the air. The Moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails.

A. more exhausting than climbing Mount Jolmo Lungma
B. less exhausting than climbing Mount Jolmo Lungma
C. more dangerous than climbing Mount Jolmo Lungma
D. less dangerous than climbing Mount Jolmo Lungma
[单项选择]______ difficulties we may have, we must finish the task as required.

A. Whatever
B. Whichever
C. Of which
D. No matter how
[填空题]Difficulties and hardships have ______ .(激发出了这位年轻科学家最优秀的品质).
[简答题]Under such unfavorable conditions, you would have failed the experiment as he did.
[填空题]The calculations would have been useless when they were worked out ______ (如果当时没有电脑的话).
[单项选择]Niall FitzGerald would have liked to leave Unilever in a blaze of glory when he retires at the end of September. The co-chief executive of the Anglo-Dutch consumer-goods group was one of the godfathers of Unilever’s "Path to Growth" strategy of focusing on its brands, which was launched five years ago. But the plan failed to deliver on many of its promises. On September 20th, Unilever warned that it would not report its promised double-digit growth in profits this year.
It is a tough time for producers of branded consumer goods. Unilever and its competitors have to cope with pressure on prices and stiff competition from supermarkets’ own brands. Colgate-Palmolive warned of lower profits on the same day. Nestle recently disappointed investors with its latest results. Even so, Unilever admits the bulk of its troubles are self-inflicted. The "Path to Growth" strategy aimed to make the firm more efficient. Unilever saved about 4 billion euro ( $ 4.9 billion) in costs over the past fi
A. It is hard to carry out.
B. It has a glorious history.
C. It underlines Unilever’s brands.
D. it brings high growth.
[填空题]Einstein and Gates would have achieved success in any era.


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