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发布时间:2024-07-27 01:27:34

[简答题]This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly spread to Germany, France and England.

更多"This idea of sending gifts of love "的相关试题:


[多项选择]Gifts: A Way of Expressing Love
(1) 礼物是表达爱意的方式;
(2) 论述礼物的重要作用;
(3) 你的看法
[简答题]Part 1Gifts Do you give people gifts What kinds of gifts do you like to receive Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift When was the last time you give or receive a gift What sorts of gifts do you give to your family or friends What gifts are popular in your country Do you think it’s difficult to choose gifts
[填空题]The Minutes on a Fire Incident

tougher security measures should be introduced to combat against vandalism, and
[简答题] Task 6   paitings were not perspective which means flat lacking dimensions before the renaissance,   but after the renaissance, several methods were used that helped the paintings look more perspective and realistic, 但是只是作者推测   1.artists began using optical devices such as camera or mirrors, for example, to draw a bow of fruit, they can use mirror to reflect the image on canvas, then trace the lines,最后一句不记得了   2.artists began using special paint oils, which takes more time to dry, the artist could pay more attention to details, which also makes the painting more perspective   question: 文艺复兴后画家们用了哪些办法让油画更立体?   一个艺术史的讲座,基本没听懂,看到题才知道是讲的从文艺复兴到现实主义过渡中的两个理论,一个是用反射什么的,camera什么的,说了一堆我没听懂。还有一个是油画oil painting。画的可以很慢,所以可以有时间描绘细节,什么时候觉得画好了什么时候停
[单项选择]The American expression "burning your bridges" means acting ( Example: (0) ) such a way which you destroy any chance of turning back or changing your actions. It gets its name from war. An army that is forced back across a river may decide to burn the bridge (41) crossing it. In this way, the army (42) its enemy from using the bridge. (43) ,the army also destroys its own chance to (44) back across the river. Most people who "burn their bridges ’today don’t (45) the army. But (46) those armies, they move in a different direction with (47) chance of turning back. There is one other (48) that all bridge burners should not forget, it is a warning. "Don’t cross your bridges (49) you come to them. "The meaning is clear: wait until the right time before you (50) .
A. before B. after C. while
[填空题]According to Isaac-Mohr, increased selectivity means better students are going to all colleges.


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