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发布时间:2023-10-30 21:52:00

[填空题]Washington, D. C. is so named because it is situated in the State of Washington.

更多"Washington, D. C. is so named becau"的相关试题:

[填空题]Washington, D. C. is so named because it is situated in the State of Washington.

[填空题]Culture shock is so named because of the effect it has on people when they enter a new culture. Experts have been interested in these effects and have agreed on five basic stages of culture shock. These stages are general and should only be used as a reference. Not every individual will go through each stage, and one stage may last longer than another for different individuals.
The hardest thing for most travelers to deal with is the emotional "roller coaster" they seem to be riding. One moment they feel very positive toward the new culture, and the next moment very negative. It seems common that international visitors and immigrants vacillate (犹豫不定) between loving and hating a new country. Feelings of separation and alienation can be intensified if they do not have a sense of fitting in or belonging.
Fatigue is another problem people face when entering a new culture. There can be a sense of a greater need for sleep. This is due not only to physical tiredness, but also to
[单项选择]A. Because it has so many information that children will feel confused.
B. Because children sometimes question some of the information.
C. Because children can not tell what is right and wrong on the Internet.
D. Because children will become addicted to it which is really bad.

Because agriculture is so important to a nation’s well-being, governments have always been concerned with it. For example, the United States and Canada have long produced surpluses that complicate their economies. Surpluses tend to lower prices to farmers and seriously endanger the agriculture industry. Governments have instituted systems of price supports to maintain a fair price when surpluses cause prices to drop. The system in the United States is a good example. A government program supports the prices paid to farmers for grains, and other agricultural products.
Support prices are based on parity, which is the ratio between the prices farmers receive for their crops and the prices they must pay for things they need. The government selected the period from 1910 to 1914 as a time when farm prices were in a fair ratio with farming costs. This is the base period now used to determine parity prices.
The idea is to assure farmers that what they get for a bush
A. they throw the country into great disorder
B. they entail more expenditure on the part of the government
C. they usually involve direct governmental support price
D. the government has to set up special pricing systems

[填空题]Because I have so much work to do this afternoon I’m (able) ______ to go with you.


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