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发布时间:2024-07-30 01:49:18

[填空题]Most students found that Aristotle’s philosophical thinking was ______ (比们所认为的更复杂).

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[填空题]Most students found that Aristotle’s philosophical thinking was ______ (比们所认为的更复杂).

[单项选择]What kind of students are most likely to become top scorers()
A. Those who know how to program computers.
B. Those who get special aid from their teachers.
C. Those who are very hardworking.
D. Those who have well-educated parents.
[填空题]Many students found the book enlightening: ______________ (因为它给他们提供了这门学科的大量信息).

[填空题]Chinese students found it hard for them to______(适应美国课堂的氛围).

[单项选择]What are the students from Sri Lanka most interested in according to Bob
A. Accountancy and computing.
B. Business and finance.
C. Law and business.
D. Architecture and engineering:
Passage One

Most students arrive at college using" discrete, concrete and absolute categories to understand people, knowledge, and values. " These students live with a dualistic view, seeing "the world in polar terms of we-right-good vs. other-wrong-bad. " These students cannot acknowledge the existence of more than one point of view toward any issue. There is one "right" way. And because these absolutes are assumed by or imposed on the individual from external authority, they cannot be personally substantiated or authenticated by experience. These students are slaves to the generalizations of their authorities. An eye for an eye! Capital punishment is apt justice for murder. The Bible says so.
Most students break through the dualistic stage to another equally frustrating stage—multiplicity. Within this stage, students see a variety of ways to deal with any given topic or problem. H
A. most of their beliefs cannot be supported by arguments
B. they have accepted their "truths" simply because authorities have said these things are "true"
C. they half-believe and half-disbelieve just about everything
D. their teachers almost always think that "dualistic" thinkers are wrong

[单项选择]Most American colleges permit foreign students to live in college housing or housing not owned by the university, such as an apartment. College housing is usually in a dormitory, or dorm for short.
Many foreign students say the dorms are less costly than apartments. They say dorms offer quiet study areas and areas for social activities or sports. They say dorms are close to places they go every day, like the library, computer eenter and classrooms. They also say that living in the room provides the best chance to get to know other students.
Dormitories may have as few as twelve students or as many as one thousand. Some dorms are organized into areas called suites. Suites have several bedrooms, a large living area and a bathroom. Six or more people may live in one suite. Other dorms have many rooms along a hallway. Two students usually live in each room. On each floor there is a large bathroom for all the students who live on that floor. Sometimes there is also a kitchen for p
A. Two.
B. Six.
C. Twelve.
D. About one thousand.


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