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发布时间:2023-10-17 20:00:29


W: I heard that you joined the football team in our school
M: Yes. But until now, there are only six members including me.

How many people does the school football team also need ()
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
D. Seven.

更多"[听力原文] W: I heard that you joined"的相关试题:


W: I heard that you joined the football team in our school
M: Yes. But until now, there are only six members including me.

How many people does the school football team also need()
A. Four.
B. Five.
C. Six.
D. Seven.

W: I heard you caught a cold. How are you feeling today
M: I can’t complain. At least 1 am out of bed.

How is the man today ()
A. He is better.
B. He is sick in bed.
C. He has recovered.
D. He is feeling worse.

W: John, how are you I heard you were sick.
M: They must have confused me with somebody else. I’ve never felt upset.

How does John feel()
A. Better.
B. Sick.
C. Fine.
D. Tired.

M: I heard you’ve got the highest marks in our class. Congratulations!
W: Thank you. I’m sure you’ve also done a good job.

Who are the speakers()
A. Two students.
B. A student and a teacher.
C. Two teachers.
D. Two friends.

M: Hay, I heard you bought a parrot.
W: That’s all right. Now if I could only get it to talk.

What does the woman want to do ()
A. Find someone to care for her parrot.
B. Buy a parrot.
C. Talk to the parrot.
D. Teach the parrot to talk.

W: Have you heard that our manager is retiring
M: Yes, the company has difficulty finding anyone to fill his place.

What does the man imply about the manager ()
A. He works long hours.
B. He is too tired to teach.
C. He’s found another job.
D. No one can take his place.

Conversation 2
W: Have you heard anything about our new English teacher
M: Yes, people say she is very intelligent.
W: Hmm. What else have you heard
M: Well, they also say she is very patient. What’s more, she graduated from Peking University.
W: Really That’s interesting.

What does the man think of the English teacher()
A. She is very intelligent.
B. She is very serious.
C. He is very patient.
D. He is very tall.

[听力原文] 6-7
M: I’ve heard that you play the violin very well.
W: Thank you. I like it. That’s my hobby.
M: It’s a nice hobby. How long have you played that instrument
W: (6)Five years. What do you do in your spare time
M: I like taking pictures. In order to take good pictures, I have frequently been traveling for six years.
W: That’s really interesting Have you been traveling lately
M: Well, (7)I have been to Europe, Asia, and I’ve just come back from Africa. I took a lot of pictures there.
W: Great. I’d love to see some of the pictures of yours.
M: I would be glad to show you these pictures.
W: And I would be glad to play my violin for you.

According to the conversation, who took up the hobby earlier()
A. At the same time.
B. The woman.
C. The man.
D. It’s not mentione

M: Have you ever heard of a machine that sells tickets
W: Yes. I’ve seen them in bus and subway stations.
M: But I mean a single machine that sells all kinds of tickets, located in public areas just like an ATM.
W: What do you mean by "all kinds of tickets "
M: Air tickets, bus tickets, subway tickets, railway tickets, tickets for tourist attractions, and so on.
W: Well, that sounds fantastic! But is it easy to use
M: Very simple. Yesterday I bought my air ticket for my trip to Shanghai from such a machine.
W: How did you do it
M: Well, I first pushed the "Air Ticket" button, typed in my destination and the time I wanted for my flight, and several choices appeared on the screen.
W: What kind of choices
M: Flight numbers from different airlines that were suitable for me.
W: I see. What did you do then
M: I made my choice of flight and put
A. Buying air tickets for their travel.
B. An automatic ticket-selling machine.
C. Different types of tickets.
D. A new type of bank car


Whenever you visit a foreign country, you must carry a passport. This document contains your photograph and gives your name, country, place and date of birth, height and any distinguishing marks. These details are checked by customs officers at the airport. They are trained to make sure that the photograph and details in your passport match your appearance.
Customs officers also check the passports of people returning from a foreign country. This is called immigration control. Some passengers may have to carry a special entry form called a visa. This allows them to stay in a country only for a given length of time.
If a customs officer suspects a passenger, he or she can feed the passport number into a computer. This will check the number to see if the passport is stolen or belongs to someone wanted by the police.

What can she or he do if a customs officer suspects a passenger
He or she can feed()into a computer.


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